Why you should switch from shared hosting to a virtual private server (VPS)

andrea almanza
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2023

When it comes to hosting your website, it is important to consider the different options available. One of the key points to consider is the choice between shared hosting and a virtual private server (VPS). Although shared hosting is a popular choice for smaller websites, a VPS offers a number of benefits and advantages that can significantly improve the performance and security of your site. In this article, we’ll explore the top reasons why you should consider switching from shared hosting to a VPS.
Dedicated resources:

  1. Dedicated resources:
    One of the biggest limitations of shared hosting is that server resources, such as RAM, storage space, and processing power, are shared among multiple users. This can negatively affect the performance of your website, especially if you experience traffic spikes or if other sites on the same server consume too many resources. With a VPS, you get dedicated resources, which means you have exclusive access to the amount of RAM, storage and processing power you have contracted for. This ensures more stable and consistent performance for your website.
  2. Greater scalability:
    If you have growth plans for your website or if you expect a long-term increase in traffic, a VPS gives you greater scalability compared to shared hosting. With a VPS, you can scale vertically by increasing the resources allocated to your server, such as RAM or storage capacity, without negatively affecting other users. This allows you to easily adapt to the changing needs of your website and ensure optimal performance at all times.
  3. Greater control and customization:
    With shared hosting, you are limited in terms of the configurations and customizations you can make to the server. In contrast, with a VPS, you have complete control over your server environment. You can install the operating system of your choice, configure security settings according to your specific needs, and adjust the server configuration to optimize your website’s performance. This gives you significant flexibility and freedom to tailor your server to your exact requirements.
  4. Better security:
    Online security is a growing concern, and a VPS can provide an additional level of protection for your website. With shared hosting, if another site on the same server is vulnerable to attack or suffers a security breach, there is a chance that your site will also be affected. However, with a VPS, the environments are isolated, which means that security issues from other sites will not affect you. Additionally, you have the option to implement custom security measures and set up firewalls to protect your site from online threats.
  5. Better performance and uptime:
    Performance and uptime are crucial aspects for any website. With a VPS, you get better performance compared to shared hosting, since you don’t share resources with other users. This translates into faster load times and a smoother experience for your website visitors. By having dedicated resources, your site can handle higher traffic volumes without experiencing slowdowns or server crashes.

Switching from shared hosting to a VPS can offer a number of significant benefits for your website. You get dedicated resources, greater scalability, control and customization, better security, improved performance and more reliable uptime. If your website is growing, has specific configuration or security requirements, or you simply want to provide a faster and more reliable user experience, switching to a VPS may be the ideal option. Evaluate your needs and consider your website’s future growth potential to make an informed decision about migrating to a VPS.

