Are you working out? great..

Write it down: TWS!

3 min readJul 11, 2017


For a while we’ve been thinking what to do next, how to make something awesome again. Something that people would love to share with their friends and yet it’ll improve their life in a certain way.

We did it with the Montar Mount, then we changed the game with MicFlip ( it’s the world’s FIRST reverisble Micro USB calbe — Yes, it’s a thing now and WinnerGear incharge of it when we’ve launched our indiegogo campaign and raised over $200,000 )

But now we’ve been thinking about something more pratical, that can really help us.

So we knew that health is the starting point, and we knew the sport is the key..

Great, we’re on the right track… but still, how can we make people to workout?

If we only had a product that can make you so excited of using it that you’d LOVE to go out there and hit the track/ gym…

Once we heard about the True Wireless Earbuds we know it! That’s the solution!

So we bought it and then some more and then when the big names made it we bought it…


We couldn’t believe it! Those companies can’t make it? so who can?

After a while we realized the reason, those comapnies don’t care about those earbuds as much as they care about their smartphones or TV’s..

And maybe a small startup that was able to change the game several times already can make it again ( hint: WinnerG….. )!

The next day was awesome, we’ve started working on the project of our life.. in a mission to get your lazy ass out there to loose some pounds!!

And trust us, you’re gonna be amazed of the results..

We just started shipping and already been featured on,, and more.

The only thing we were focused on for the past 12 months was to create the world’s best true wireless earbuds.

We’re proud to introduce:

World’s Smallest Sports True Wireless Earbuds

Powered By Qualcomm




World's Best Mobile Accessories chargers , car mounts , screen protectors and more . Made the world's first Reversible Micro USB cable - MicFlip