Clément Houde - technical director of our project and one of its co-founders

Published in
1 min readSep 29, 2018

We continue introducing to you the team of professionals behind the Winnest project!

Today we want you to meet another person who the Winnest platform would not be able to see the light of day and that is Clément Houde, technical director of our project and one of its co-founders.

Clément — is a young and successful entrepreneur. He is the general director at Pixodeo — a web-site development company. Clément specializes in international development, achievements and relations. He has over 80 business partners all over the world. It is for his high professionalism and extensive experience that the Winnest platform now boasts a wide range of technical features and impeccable operation.
Clément also boasts a stock portfolio worth 300,000 euros.

Ask Clément questions about Winnest! Just leave them in the comments below.

For more information about the team behind our project visit




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