Digital Ad Market to Grow 49%

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1 min readSep 24, 2018

Did you know that in 2018 the digital advertisement market has been showing stable growth? The evolution of advertisement has lead to a situation where spending on digital ads has surpassed that of traditional means of promotion. By the end of 2018 the traditional ad market is projected to grow by 30% while its digital counterpart is poised to increase by 49%.

According to market research in 2018 digital advertisement market revenue reached $256.25 trillion US. Experts predict that by 2021 this figure will rise to $322.20 trillion US.

The mass use of digital advertisement in all facets of modern life is stimulating the further development of this industry. Nowadays each new project looking to expand must tap into this fast-growing technology as fast as possible. The Winnest project does exactly that, utilizing new marketing technologies that open up new capabilities and opportunities for our platform users.

💠 For more information on how digital advertising is implemented in Winnest — visit our website at




The social marketplace for shared economy & advertising.