We are happy to present to you a new advisor to the Winnest project — Carlo Buonpane!

Published in
1 min readOct 16, 2018

He knows the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry well — Carlo is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world and Blockchain and Crypto Advisor.

He has gained various experiences in different digital startups which concerned real estate investments and personal and financial growth. Since he met the blockchain he has been thunderstruck by his potential.

Participates as an investor in about 20 blockchain projects each year.
He is advising a number of up and coming ICO projects — as expert in Strategy and Fundraising in ICO con 3+ years experience, successfully follows over 30 projects based on blockchain technology.

We are happy to see Carlo Buonpane highly appreciate the Winnest project and how she found it compelling to join our team.

Learn more about the Winnest project on the official website of our project at http://winnest.io




The social marketplace for shared economy & advertising. http://winnest.io/