What is cashback?

Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2018

Recently, the term “cashback” is on everyone’s lips. However, not everyone fully understands the meaning of this word and the mechanism of its work.

The essence of the cashback system is to return part of the money spent on the purchase.

Where does the cashback money come from?

It’s simple. You know that every store strives to sell as many of its products as possible. In order to do this it attracts banks and various cashback services to search for customers, offering them a percentage of each purchase. Services and banks seek to get as much as possible of such payments and offer users a part of the interest they receive, thereby encouraging them to make new purchases. Thus, all participants of the scheme have advantages-the shop makes sale and earns on it, the service or the Bank which found the client earns on the purchase made by it, and the buyer gets new goods and receives part of money from the purchase back.

How is the cashback system implemented on Winnest platform?

The principle of multilevel membership is an unprecedented component of Winnest platform, which adds a new field of activity in e-Commerce to the cashback business model. It allows users to become representatives of the platform and receive money for each transaction available to them within the framework of sharing. In the era of social networks and global communications, this concept is the technology of tomorrow. This way of working is perfectly combined with the regular use of social networks and requires little effort, making it accessible to everyone.

More details on the website http://winnest.io




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