Why We’re Taking a Stand

Sara Mauskopf
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2016


A lot of tech companies want to stay out of politics. We get it. You risk alienating part of your user base when you pick a side. It’s a risky move for your business.

Well, we’re not a traditional tech company and we believe there’s too much at stake for parents and children in this presidential election to sit on the sidelines. That’s why Winnie is standing with Hillary Clinton and we urge you to too. Below are just a few of the reasons we’re with her.


Like us here at Winnie, Hillary believes that every child deserves a high quality K-12 education. As President, she wants to elevate the teaching profession and make public schools better across America. She also wants to provide affordable broadband internet access to all American households. 70% of teachers assign schoolwork that requires the internet, but 5 million kids can’t access the internet at home. Hillary Clinton understands that closing the opportunity gap for children is about both improving public schools across the board, and addressing inequalities in access to information. And these aren’t empty promises. Hillary has a track record of improving our education system and a plan for how to do it. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no plans to improve K-12 education in this country.

Family Leave

As President, Hillary will guarantee up to 12 weeks of paid family leave to care for a new child for both moms and dads. Too many parents have to make the impossible choice between maintaining their quality of life and being with their new baby in those first weeks. Nearly every other country has a better paid leave policy than the United States so it’s about time we join the rest of the world in supporting new parents. In addition, men often get the short end of the stick when it comes to parental leave policies so the fact that this policy will apply to all parents sets an important precedent. Donald Trump has no plans to implement any such policy.

Women’s Rights

Hillary recognizes that women still face barriers when it comes to advancing their careers. She’s been a longtime advocate for women and girls and has ambitious plans for equal pay, protecting women’s health, and reducing violence against women. This is all in stark contrast to Donald Trump. Trump has a history of sexism, including calling a breastfeeding woman disgusting.

Protect our Future

As a company, Winnie is not party-affiliated, but we do take a stance on issues that disproportionately affect families and children. Children are our future and we must invest in their education and care. In this election, Hillary Clinton’s candidacy is historic in more than one way. Her policies are not only the most family-friendly we’ve ever seen, they are informed by a lifelong track record of advocacy for children and families. Please join us November 8 in voting for Hillary Clinton.

Stand for children and families. Stand with her!



Sara Mauskopf

CEO of Winnie (https://winnie.com), helping parents navigate the world with their children. Follow me on Twitter: @sm and @winnie