2.23 — The Homestead Act

A Selected Journal Entry

Joshua E McCoy I
Winning the Race


“Should I symbolically #RunWithMaud?”

I am glad today is not my first day. With a forecast of sure rain and surely a heavy heart, I didn’t know if I should continue or break my streak. As I laced my shoes, I contemplated the purpose and intent of my ensuing trot. Should I symbolically #RunWithMaud? Is it even my responsibility to do so?

My steps felt lighter today than yesterday, yesterday lighter than the day before, though my heart broke the scale with rage. What is 2.23 miles going to do for another lifeless black body memorialized by a hashtag and a system that will ensure more viral videos and broken records of calls for justice?

Up the hill, yet I climbed. If for no other reason than to not cheat myself. After all, my daily exercise is for me.

The voice assistant from my running app alerted me that my that my goal was half complete. There was still road ahead.

Immediately, the clouds of fury dissipated. Each day that I run is an exercise of freedom. Each open road is a declaration of boundaries. If I had not already begun a running practice, I’m not sure that I would’ve even been able to put on my runner’s gear this morning.



Joshua E McCoy I
Winning the Race

Professional writer for hire. Making heretical statements against all systems of domination. Raising the consciousness in culture + commerce + community. #WEOC