Racism, Poverty, & Militarism

With the prominence and preponderance of economic oppression, air strikes, nationalism, and partisanship, Dr. King’s admonition in “Beyond Vietnam: Time to break silence” rings prophetic.

Joshua E McCoy I
Winning the Race
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2017


Hosea Williams, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, and Ralph David Abernathy on the balcony of Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on the day of King’s assassination.

Why today?

I spent all day yesterday reflecting on the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. King and what I would actually say or share about it. Aside from the standard issue “#NeverForget” posts, I came up with nothing. Though his life and work are even more relevant today than ever before, I said nothing.

My reluctant silence changed today after listening to Tavis Smiley on the Intercepted Podcast. Smiley was right to invoke Cornel West and his notion of the “Santa Clausification” of Dr. King, as MLK’s legacy is freshly whitewashed on the third Monday of January each year.

It dawned on me that there’s “good” reason American’s celebrate MLK’s birth day and not his death day.

49 years after Dr. King’s assassination and 50 years after his “Beyond Vietnam” speech, Americans should memorialize Dr. King as a transformational, counter-cultural prophet.

True, he was one of many leaders of the movement, including so many unsung female heroes. The thing that made him iconic was his skill and commitment to rhetoric that subverted the very nature of patriotism to a country entrapped by its own mythological ideals of innocence and moral high standing.

Trivializing his life and work while ignoring the very insidious circumstances from which the movement was birthed, is not merely disrespectful.

It’s dangerous.

Dr. Martin Luther King at Riverside Church, New York City, April 4, 1967 (via commondreams.org; accessed 4/5/2017)

Why today?

50 years later, we should remember Dr. King’s warning in his “Beyond Vietnam” speech. He warned us that Racism, Poverty, and Militarism would be the undoing of our vaunted Republic.

In the age of Trump and Trumpism, should we really be helping the Democrats reach the “unheard and unseen” working/middle class white voter or should we all be reaching for the gear shifter and reverse course from the tyranny of democratized oppression once and for all?

On April 4, 1967, King issued a “Shot heard ‘round the world.” A shot that immediately brought into question all we consider exceptional and American. Sadly, that shot was returned by:

Why today?

50 years after “Beyond Vietnam,” it’s no wonder that Colin Kaepernick is the political punching bag for all who pledge allegiance to the flag and the “Republic for which it stands.”

Sadly, things have changed little since Frederick Douglass’s speech on July 5, 1852. Things have changed little since King’s Beyond Vietnam speech on April 4, 1967. Things have changed little since Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address on January 20, 2009. Kaepernick’s silent protest is the indelible image that reminds America of its unrepentant iniquity, which should bring each of us down to a knee.

Colin Kaepernick taking a silent kneel during the National Anthem before an NFL game.

Don’t be facetious.

Of course, a cursory look at history shows that we have made some level of progress.

In the words of J.M. Opal’s article in TIME entitled “America Should Never Be ‘Great Again’, “I’m acknowledging the fact “that much of our democracy has grown despite the rules and myths of the Founders and the frontier, not because of them.”

Why today?

50 years after “Beyond Vietnam,” unabashedly, I say that we should never Make America Great ‘Again.’ But as Professor Opal admonishes, we should adopt a new vision which embraces “a more honest account of our troubled past to help us face our troubling future.”

That’s why. Why I chose today.

Originally published at joshuaemccoy.tumblr.com.



Joshua E McCoy I
Winning the Race

Professional writer for hire. Making heretical statements against all systems of domination. Raising the consciousness in culture + commerce + community. #WEOC