Are you listening to your customers?

This article was written by Rose Muthami, Customer Experience and Relations Manager at AAR insurance Kenya.

Rate My Service
Winning with CX
2 min readJun 28, 2022


Access the original article here.

Our key takeaways from this thought piece:

  1. Surveys play a fundamental role in gathering information and insights but are reliant on asking the right questions at the right time.
  2. Real-time surveys (while the experience is still fresh in the customers’ minds) encourage better engagement and response rates than periodical surveys.
  3. Don’t just survey your customers. Use the fresh intelligence to feed into marketing initiatives and to drive strategic business decisions.
  4. Communicate change initiatives to your customers. It drives customer inclusion, customers can experience the implementation of their feedback and this encourages them to be more responsive to future surveys.
  5. In the era of social media, real-time experience management allows issues to be proactively and quickly managed. These could escalate and blow out of proportion across social media channels, potentially leading to an online crisis.
  6. Analysing and comparing your experience data through different lenses e.g. time periods, departments, branches, touchpoints, etc. gives better context to the data and insights and helps focus on organizational improvements.
  7. Use every critical interaction with a customer as an opportunity for an insightful data mining session to improve customer experience and drive innovation.

I have had the opportunity to interact with a tool that met almost all my requirements. Ratemyservice, a survey tool, allows tracking customer sentiments and experiences at different touchpoints, giving real-time indicators of customer sentiments. Additionally, the tool evaluates customer satisfaction, customer effort, and Net Promoter Scores on the go. For every experience, clients give feedback and recommendations on areas of improvement.



Rate My Service
Winning with CX

We help companies to deliver great customer, employee and brand experiences to drive growth.