Customer Experience matters in B2B relationships

A lesson on shared responsibility

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Winning with CX
3 min readMar 1, 2024


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Customer experience is a crucial competitive advantage in business-to-business (B2B) relationships. Every interaction a client has with your company, from customer service to billing, shapes their perception of your brand. One negative interaction can unravel years of goodwill.

This was recently highlighted when one of our clients described an unpleasant encounter with a key supplier.

They received this aggressive email from the finance department of a supplier they’ve worked with for over 6 years. The email threatened to terminate services if outstanding payments weren’t immediately made. However, payments were not yet due (due on the 29th of February) and our client had a pristine track record of timely payments throughout their partnership.

Understandably, this soured our client’s perspective on the value the supplier placed on this relationship. This one email significantly eroded trust and good faith that had been built up over years.

Customer experience is not the responsibility of customer-facing teams but extends to every department and individual within an organization

The supplier’s finance department’s lack of awareness or disregard for the existing relationship eroded the trust and goodwill cultivated over years. It highlighted a disconnect between different facets of the supplier’s organization, leaving our client questioning the value placed on their partnership.

While the supplier’s finance department might view their action as a routine procedure to ensure timely payments, the repercussions extend beyond. B2B businesses must recognize that every interaction contributes to the overall perception of the brand. A negative experience, like the one our client encountered, can prompt them to seek alternatives, potentially damaging the supplier’s reputation and bottom line.

So, what could the supplier have done differently to mitigate this situation and uphold a positive customer experience?

Rather than resorting to threats, the supplier should have reached out directly to the client in a collaborative and empathetic manner.

Knowing the client’s history should have influenced their tone. A call or in-person meeting to enquire about the situation and the status of pending payments would have been more appropriate. Open communication fosters trust and strengthens the bond between partners.

Cultivating a culture focused on outstanding account experience

While it was the finance department that directly interacted with the client in this scenario, the blame lies with the supplier’s broader leadership. They failed to instill a company-wide commitment to protecting and upholding the customer experience.

Every employee interacts with customers indirectly through their individual roles. Customer service, billing, legal, operations — they all need to uphold excellence in representing your brand. It’s a total team effort.

By cultivating a culture focused on outstanding end-to-end customer experiences, B2B companies can build loyalty, trust, and mutually beneficial partnerships with their clients.

The responsibility starts at the top but must be embraced by every employee. Delivering value and respect at each touchpoint is what retains accounts over the long-term.

In conclusion

In the B2B world, customer experience isn’t confined to a single department — it’s woven into the fabric of your organization. Whether you’re in finance, sales, or operations, your actions collectively shape the customer’s journey.

Let’s prioritize empathy, communication, and collaboration to build lasting B2B relationships. Remember, negative experiences resonate. Incidents like these may not only impact perception but also willingness to recommend or continue doing business.

B2B CX is a shared responsibility, and every interaction matters.

We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. How do you believe businesses can better navigate similar situations and uphold a positive account experience in the B2B landscape?



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Winning with CX

We help companies to deliver great customer, employee and brand experiences to drive growth.