Top Earner on the Leaderboard

The first challenge in July came to an end with the announcement of the winner by Organizing Team.

Talking about the Bounties Network , this was created for all scholars, this is an opportunity to earn more BST, On this date 21st July, 2019 i was announced the winner of the Leaderboard.
This has ignited the winning experiences at Devcon 5, Osaka-Japan 2019.
The Ethereum community is scaling up in respective of the Continents, Background or class. And in the next few years, whole lots of solutions will be proffered to the global growing population.

So here is few tips for all scholars “5 Ways to Stay Positive and Focused on Success”

To be successful in this new career, i consistently have to give it my best.

Here are five practices that consistently make a difference.

1. Persistence

One of the most common mistakes people make is taking “no” to mean “never.”

As a scholar, if i want to achieve my goals, i need to practice persistence until those “no’s” become a “yes.”

2. Own luck

As i practice continually, persistence is a deliberate focus on a desired outcome, making my own luck is the other side of the equation. It is casting a wide net with the intent of achieving that same outcome.

Making my own luck is a numbers game. The more opportunities 1 can create the more entries i have in this conference. This could be as simple as striking up a conversation with the person in line at the coffee shop, taking another route to work, or networking at an industry event.

More than one path leads to success. By putting self and my business on multiple paths, i’ll find a connection that will lead me to where i want to be.

3. Do what others won’t

In the “Common Denominator of Success,” Albert E.N. Grey stated that a willingness to do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do was the key to success. It means going the extra mile in everything i do, realize it is more about doing the right things — not everything — which makes all the difference. For instance, while this could mean working an 18-hour day, it could just as easily mean closing from work early to spend time with the family. The latter being a way to recharge my batteries while given me the inspiration necessary upon my return to work.

4. Don’t be afraid to fail

Scholars aren’t afraid to fail. Otherwise, they’d still be on the same level of intellectual growth.

Shark Tank star, Robert Herjavec said, “Success is not measured on the days when the sun shines. Success is measured on dark, stormy, cloudy days. And if you can’t absorb failure, you’re never gonna meet success.”

5. Pay it forward.

Finally, sometimes the best way to keep your head up is to give others a hand.

Mentoring a new scholars or speaking to enthusiasts about programming in solidity can remind oneself of why and when i took the job at Ethereum, Osaka-Japan.

Thumbs up to the wizardamigos Taipei,Berlin,Nigeria,Nashville-US,UK,India and Devcon 5 scholars



Chukwuemeka Enoch Mbaebie
Winnings for the Ethereum and Block Chain Community

Gospeller | Filecoin Orbit Ambasaddor| Dev Advocates | Devcon V Scholar Alumni |Block Chain Developer