My Own Little “History”

Zoie Zhou
Winter Linguistics 2019
3 min readMar 12, 2019

I used to be a very rebellious girl. One thing I did egregiously was that I did not talk to my father for half a year after he and I had had a quarrel. However, I can not even remember what we were fighting about. Maybe it was that the tone he talked with me sounded decretorily.

So what made me so emotional and sensitive. I think it might be about school. Before entering my junior high school, I was cheering a girl who loved life, but everything has changed after I went to junior high school.

The headteacher of my junior high school class is a woman about forty years old with a bad temper. She is very strict with her students. For example, she made a rule that before 6 pm we were not allowed to go home although the official class end time was 5 pm. The extended time was used for her to criticize students’ performance on that day or for us to have an additional quiz. Long under this oppression, I accumulated many stresses and could not find a way to release. What made me feel even more stressful was that the teacher always tries to talk with our parents to solve problems instead of talking with her students directly. So without asking students, the “facts” she described might add something misleading. As in our culture, Chinese parents commonly trust teachers more than their children. So when the teacher said something that I did not do, my parents would criticize me first instead of listening to my explanations. I gradually stopped communicating with them and our relationship started getting worse. I started violating their wishes and fighting with them. At that time, it might make their headache once I am mentioned.

However, the situation has improved since I went to high school. The teachers there are very kind and respect scholars. For example, when there was an activity the head teacher thought I should participate, she would ask my opinion first other than telling my parents this is beneficial to me and letting them make the decision. In high school, I felt I was respected. I was treated as an independent human being instead of someone’s daughter. I had the one whom I could express my opinion and communicate with — both my teachers and friends I made there. I did not have to release my stress from fighting with my parents. For my parents, since they did not constantly receive complaints from school teachers and we had time to sit down and care about each other’s lives, the relationship between us had a great improvement. I finally came back as a well-behaved girl.

I am very grateful that I have come to this high school. They made me change from a rebellious girl to a girl who can treat the world with love. Without attending this school, I do not know what I would be. From my own experience, I know exactly that environment and people around children are especially important for their development.

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