Temporal Blends

Grace Choi
Winter Linguistics 2019
3 min readMar 12, 2019

Are we located at the forefront of the speeding locomotive that is time, or are we simply slipping through the fibres of a “pre-woven” tapestry? I got inspiration from the idea of space-time to create this art work. It is about unrealistic perspective between space, time, and the connection between them based on my imagination. Space is an unknown area which contains mysteries humans have yet to unravel. Humans don’t fully understand space yet, and many scientists are still trying to understand the mystery of space. One of the theories of space is “the block theory” which talks about space-time and “past, present, future existing simultaneously” (Ratner). This idea has led me to think about a person’s identity and their connection from the past to the future. I drew three different faces connected to each other, one of which represents past, one present, and one future. I used geometric patterns on one of the main objects which represents a past identity. The geometric pattern in the face pointing right channels the patterns and expressiveness of native tribal masks, representing a tie to the past. I chose to make this past face out of shapes to further tie in a theme of geometry, math and measurement, applying to how we view and interpret our world, especially the spatial one. I drew a natural face in the center of the main object, and I drew one more face to represent a future. The future face, pointing left, has a visible brain motif to tie in the idea of humans thinking out a new future, in lines that conjure up the clean symmetry of robotics, with stars to represent expansion to further planets and into space, perhaps to find alien life. I drew a big round shape around the main object which shows the connection between past, present, and future. It resembles the moon, a water molecule, or planets with enough vagueness in the shape to merge into each face. It allows interpretation by the audience into what each means in the context of each time. I will set up four different backgrounds because it will help the audience imagine different stories of the main object based on their imagination. I want to keep the audience’s imagination open-ended based on their perspective, experience, knowledge, and thought. I put my main object in the center of the paper because it will help to focus on the main object. I’m merging temporal states within my work. Hopefully, this image will evoke the same sense of many times wrapped in one to others as it did to me.

