Which US City Banned Christmas in 1659?

Jordon layne
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2024

The full article is Published at https://abavistwinterchristmas.com/which-us-city-banned-christmas-in-1659/

Believe it or not, Boston, yes, bustling, festive Boston, once banned Christmas way back in 1659! Back then, the Puritans, who led the city, weren’t fond of the holiday, claiming it had pagan origins and lacked biblical approval. Imagine walking through Boston’s streets, expected to be as quiet and regular as any other day, no festive cheer or gift exchanges. They were serious about it, too, making celebrating Christmas a criminal offense! It wasn’t until 1681 that this ban was lifted, allowing Christmas to gradually transform into the beloved season of joy and giving familiar to us today. Isn’t it curious how times change? Stick around to find out just how this dramatic shift happened!

Puritan Opposition to Christmas

In 1659, Puritans in Boston banned Christmas, viewing it as a holiday with pagan origins and no biblical justification. You’d find this surprising, but in Puritan New England, particularly the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the celebration of Christmas was a no-go.

The General Court was pretty stern, making celebrating this festive day a criminal offense. Imagine walking through Boston streets, shops bustling, kids in school, but churches? They were closed tight as a drum.

Puritans held a tight grip on religious services and the social hierarchy, so Christmas, with its cheerful and social nature, didn’t fit their bill. It’s interesting to note that figures like Increase Mather, a Puritan leader, argued vehemently against Christmas observance, emphasizing its lack of scriptural backing.

Yet, despite their efforts, King Charles II would later change the game by reinstating Christmas as a recognized holiday. This shift didn’t just happen overnight but marked a significant turn in the tide, reflecting broader changes in society and religious practices.

