Top Stories published by WintonCentre in 2018

The risks of alcohol (again)

A recent paper published by the Lancet demonstrating the global impact of alcohol consumption was a huge exercise from the Gates Foundation-funded Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle. They built a large and complex statistical model from a vast range of…

Bizarre conclusions from alcohol study

A paper entitled The relationship between alcohol use and long-term cognitive decline in

Can we say who has died because of the breast-screening appointment error?

Newspapers are claiming to have identified some of the ‘up to 270’ women who Jeremy Hunt claimed may have died early because of the breast-screening programme error. This seems both inaccurate and…

The Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication is hosted within the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics in the University of Cambridge. Transparent evidence designed to inform, not to persuade.
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