Photo by Grant Durr on Unsplash

I moving my publication — please resubscribe at the new place.

Daniel Walters
Focus on outcomes
Published in
Jun 28, 2022


Hi everyone, this is a short post to let you know I am moving my publication to a different platform.

The reason is simple — I am a data-oriented person and the Substack platform offers a simple way to plug-in 3rd party analytics in addition to their inbuilt stats features. Medium relies on the internal analytics they provide you. This is enough of an issue for me to switch.

I’ve enjoyed using Medium — it was easy to get started and there was lots of control to make your publication look good.

So please, take a moment to follow my publication on Substack for free posts:



Daniel Walters
Focus on outcomes

An experienced product development professional sharing experiences and lessons from 25+ years in leadership.