Wire for Linux 3.2.2840

Wire Release Notes
Wire Release Notes
Published in
1 min readJun 20, 2018


  • Encryption is handled by WebAssembly instead of libsodium-neon.
  • Design improvements to match Wire for web.
  • Based on Electron 1.8.7, Wire now ships with Chrome 59.
  • Compatibility improvements when video calling when other party is using a different device, or a browser version.


  • New messages in some conversations did not update the message count on the app badge.
  • Some users saw JavaScript errors when receiving new messages.
  • Wire now remembers if you prefer to use it maximized.
  • Copying an email address from chat no longer includes a redundant “mailto:”.



Wire Release Notes
Wire Release Notes

Release notes from Wire, a secure, open source collaboration platform.