Spring has sprung, which means it’s time for a spring cleaning on your marketing efforts!

4 must-dos to revamp your marketing and keep business on track [spring cleaning edition]

Meilani Halim
Wirelab - Digital Agency
4 min readApr 3, 2020


You, being the resilient and ambitious entrepreneur that you are, have likely realized that now is not the time to be sitting still. I mean, was there ever a better time for a big, relentless spring cleaning? As there are not many operations most businesses can continue due to the rampant spread of COVID-19, now is a better time than ever to use this ‘downtime’ to revamp your marketing efforts and stay on top of the situation.

On the other hand, your business might be doing just fine, which has got you thinking ‘are these tips still relevant to me?’ Absolutely! In fact, marketing refreshers like these should be done frequently throughout the year, regardless of the context. Either way, you’ve found just the place to read up on some ideas on how to spruce up your marketing. Keep your business on track, no matter the situation.

In short:

  • Perform a website content audit
  • Clean up your analytics reports
  • Think about setting up marketing automation
  • Revisit your social calendar

Now is a better time than ever to prune away old content and brush the proverbial cobwebs off your analytics reports.

1. Perform a content audit on your company website

Nine times out of ten, your website will be your business’s key asset. Take a look at your website and assess whether the content there is complete and optimized to help you meet your goals. Are there any products or services that you don’t have pages for? If your goal is to convert your visitors into leads, do you have enough lead-capturing forms placed throughout your website’s key pages? If you’re struggling to answer that question, don’t worry. We’d happily tell you all about how to better convert your visitors using assets such as gated content to capture leads.

2. Clean up your analytics reports

We all know that in the hustle and bustle of daily marketing life, the focus is on the doing, rather than the reporting. Now is the time to get out the spring cleaning-brushes and get to work! Dust off your Google Analytics goals, polish up your tracking tags, and trim your way through all the updates. If you haven’t yet, filter out your internal IP addresses to make sure that your data isn’t being clouded by the traffic you and your employees generate to your own site.

3. Think about setting up marketing automation

Marketing automation is, simply put, automating your marketing efforts to better engage your audience. Duh, right? We know it sounds obvious, but let’s go a little deeper. You’ll want to use marketing automation to engage your leads and customers by automatically giving them what they need to solve their problems. You do this by using contextual information about the contact to deliver the exact information they need, in the exact time and place they’ll be looking for it. We have to be honest with you though: setting it up your marketing automation strategy does take considerable time and effort. If you’d like some help doing so, we’d be happy to assist you — get in touch with us or visit our website to learn more about setting up marketing automation.

4. Revisit your social calendar

Pay a little visit to your social media data and check whether anything has changed. Has your audience been online at different times now that they are home all day? Fiddle around with your posting schedule to experiment with the new times that work best. Most importantly, check up on the reactions to your posts. If impressions and engagements seem to be on the low side, it’s possibly because there’s a pandemic going on and any regular content you’re putting out there just isn’t relevant at the moment. Revisit your social media content calendar and think of some content your business could provide that would be useful and appreciated by your audience in these times.

At Wirelab, we are taking this opportunity to freshen up our own marketing efforts. But we’ve got some time on our hands to help you, too. If you are unsure of how to engage with your audience through your website and socials, or maybe you finished reading this blog thinking ‘I absolutely want to get started with marketing automation!’ then you’re in luck — we can help you. Give us a shout below, and let’s revamp your marketing together!

