Endless Creativity

Keren Burns
Wirelab - Digital Agency
5 min readDec 15, 2020

Does true creativity really exist anymore? Let’s find out, shall we?

What’s that we hear? You think that truly, new design isn’t possible? That everything that can be done, has already been done?

Well my friend, take a seat, make yourself comfortable and allow us to tell you all about how that just ain’t true!

Been There, Seen That!

Some people think that nowadays it is impossible to design something authentically “new,” especially when it comes to website design and development.

Well, we’re here to tell you that that just ain’t the truth! There are endless possibilities. From big decisions, like the images you display on your homepage, to seemingly smaller choices like, placing the menu button on the far right corner or the bottom of the page. It’s entirely possible to design something fresh and creative that will capture your audience’s attention.

Even with the millions of other websites already out there in the world. It’s all about taking into consideration every element of a website and finding the opportunities to sprinkle a little bit more creativity in there. And believe us, there’s always room for that sprinkle!

We Don’t Have a Type

We like to go into our website design and development projects with a fresh pair of eyes. No standard sets, no recycled designs, no design preferences. Nada.

As a team of experimenters, we want to find something new to try out with every website project and for that reason, we create custom blocks for every one of our clients. Each designed with the client and their brand in mind. This could be trying out new shapes or forms, fonts, illustrations, 3D elements, usability changes and so much more. We told you the possibilities for creativity were endless!

In fact, we want to focus on objectivity in design so much that we try to steer away from our own design preferences completely. We don’t want our own opinions to get in the way of opportunities for innovation or creativity for our clients in any way. We truly want to explore all options, whether we like it or not.

We know what you’re thinking, “that must take up soooo much time.” And trust us, it does. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. It is.

Whilst we know that this method is always going to take more of our time as a team, it means that we produce fresh, custom-made, exciting websites for every one of our clients.

Creativity is “Copying” With a Fancy Title

We hear you skeptics out there!

Some may argue that all design, and the entire history of creativity, is founded upon and inspired by the work of previous artists. That it is the work of others that inspires the designs and innovations of today. After all, moodboards are quite literally a board of other people’s work placed together in the hope it will spark an idea.

Well, we believe just because you are inspired by the work of another doesn’t mean that your new design or idea is theirs. It’s just the catalyst that helped you get there.

So whilst we will always be inspired by our own and others’ previous work, each of our designs will always be bespoke to the client we are working with.

In the wise words of Steve Jobs, “Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesise new things.”

If Steve Jobs said it, it must be true, right?

Innovation Has a Shelf Life

Of course, we know that any one innovation can’t last forever.

After all, where would we all be if Nintendo had never innovated beyond the Game Boy? Or we all still had to hunt through our actual CD collection to find the album with that one song we fancy listening to?

Every innovation and every design trend has an expiration date. Innovation comes in waves and it’s our responsibility as a digital design agency to hop on before we miss it.

What was once the trendiest new development will soon become the norm. Making way for the next new, exciting thing to pop up and the cycle will start all over again. It’s part of what makes our industry so amazing with so many new designs, concepts and software being developed and launched every single year to play around with.

As a team, we strive to stay ahead of the curve on these new developments, whatever that curve may be. Making sure we are always on top of the latest innovations so that we can be the frontrunners when it comes to new design trends and implementing new elements to our website design and development strategy. It’s that wave hopping we were on about earlier!

Open Your Eyes, Man!

Our mantra is always to treat our clients as individuals with their own complex brand identities and stories to communicate to their unique audience. Not just another number.

There are so many options to explore with a client to get the most out of their web design.

  • Are they focused on selling a specific product or service on their website? Let’s make sure it’s the star of the show.
  • Where are the opportunities to improve efficiency? Let’s simplify things!
  • Are conversion rates too low? Let’s jazz things up a bit so they never want to leave.
  • How can the website serve the brand’s customers the best? Let’s give the people what they want — information!

We want our work to reflect this outlook and that’s why we keep our minds and eyes open to opportunities for innovation and creativity in design with every new project. You never know where your next spark of inspiration can come from, as long as you keep your eyes open for it.

So all of you truly “new” design haters can back off!

