Enhance the personality and recognisability of your brand with photography

Hermen Gerrits
Wirelab - Digital Agency
4 min readSep 25, 2019

People tend to go with brands that have a personal touch. A recognisable personality, so to speak. To complete and enhance this personality, a significant photography style might help. With your own, authentic photography, you can show your ideal clients who you are, what you do and what you have to offer.

A consistent stream of imagery on your website, social media, and other channels contribute to people recognising your brand instantly. In this blog, we’ll tell you how to build a photography database for a recognisable brand with a personal touch.

Build your very own database
A certain style of photography enhances the personality and recognisability of your brand. To actually create consistency in the stream of images, we tend to create a database filled with images that fit the story of your brand. We not only create this database for consistency. It’s pretty useful to have a set of photos within reach to use for your website, blogs, landing pages, social media, downloadable offers, brochures, etc. By filling it with ‘own’ imagery instead of stock photography, we’re also able to create a style that enhances the personality of your brand.

“By filling a database with ‘own’ imagery instead of stock photography, we’re able to create a style that enhances the personality of your brand.”

How to get started with brand enhancing photography
The photographs serve as an extension of your brand story. So — instead of getting started with shooting some photos — sit down with your photographer. Introduce him to the story of your brand and in what way the to be taken photos should contribute to that story.

To make sure everyone’s aiming in the right direction, set up a mood board. Discuss everything from the scenery and brand identity to direction and editing. Decide if your photos should be playful or serious, staged or spontaneous, clean or extraordinary, etc. After you’ve decided what your pictures should look like, map out what pictures you’d like to have, who should be on them, where you want to shoot them and what attributes you need.

How to fill your photography database
A database filled with brand-enhancing photography can be stocked up with all kinds of sceneries. Decide what kind of channels you use often and what images can be useful. Adding the following photography to your database can be useful in all kinds of situations:

Photographs of your team
Capture the identity of your brand by taking pictures of your team while they’re interacting with each other. Also, add individual photographs and team photos to your database.

Photographs of locations
Depending on your business, there might be some locations you can capture. Think about the interior and exterior of your office(s), meeting rooms, stores, etc.

Photographs of products and services
A series of photos of your products and services always come in handy. Capture services in motion, products in action, packaging, studio shots, etc.

Photographs of situations
There are all kinds of situations happening on the work floor every single day that might be nice to capture. Think people at work, meetings with clients, the daily talk at the water cooler, playing a game, etc.

The list of potential photographs can go on and on. Most important is to focus on photographs that are personal and enhance the look and feel of your brand. Also, keep in mind that you take pictures that can be useful for different channels and means.

Get some help
Creating a photography style that fits both your brand identity and personality can be a bit of a struggle. Our marketers and photographers would love to tap in, get rid of out of line (stock) photos and help you with creating a style that makes your brand recognisable, more personal and authentic.

Curious about how we can help you out? Feel free to reach out to us by visiting www.wirelab.nl or sending an email to twan@wirelab.nl.

