We hope this blog makes you as happy as our graphic designer Joey is in this picture

Enough with the bad news — let’s read about happy things today

Meilani Halim
Wirelab - Digital Agency
3 min readApr 17, 2020


As our news feeds are constantly filled with all things Corona, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the bad news and forget about all the rest. Considering the tragedy of the situation, we can even start to feel guilty for wanting to hear about — well, simply anything else in the world. But the fact is, taking a break from the bad news and having a good laugh about something is just what we need to cope in times of crisis like these.

That’s why we decided to boost our Wirelab team morale by going on a quest to discover all the good things happening in the world right now. Be prepared to smile, because we chose five of our favorites to share with you. From random pet facts to some hilarious results of social isolation: this collection of happy distractions is here to remind you that there’s still a rainbow out there in all the rain.

Happy Distraction #1: The myth has finally been busted: cats love us after all!

Cats have been stereotyped as distant and aloof, but cat owners will argue back that it’s simply not true. A recent study’s findings have settled the debate once and for all: cats do form emotional attachments to their owners, just like dogs do. Take that, cat haters!

Happy Distraction #2: Musicians from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra play Symphony №9 together from their homes

Like most of us in the Netherlands, the musicians from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra are also doing home office. Not so easy to do when you’re an orchestra — or is it? Despite all odds, they harmonize seamlessly in this charming music video they made for us to enjoy.

Happy Distraction #3: Madagascar gifted itself 60 million trees for its 60th birthday

Madagascar, the most bio-diverse island in the world, celebrated its 60th birthday by hosting a tree-planting party. In just one hour, one million seedlings were pushed into the ground— and they’re preparing to sow many more. For each decade of its 60-year history, a million new trees will be planted in the country.

Happy Distraction #4: Man runs a half marathon on his balcony, for charity

The London Landmarks Half Marathon might have been canceled due to COVID-19, but this man’s half marathon sure wasn’t. Sam Hustler, an English 27-year-old, completed his first-ever half marathon by running back and forth on his balcony a dizzying 5,000 times. By doing so, he managed to raise more than €2,000 for charity.

Sam Hustler running a half marathon on his balcony — SWNS

Happy Distraction #5: Sea turtles in India will lay 60 million eggs free from human disturbance

Not only will the planet see 60 million more trees this year, it will also get to welcome 60 million baby turtles! Due to the COVID-19 lockdown in India, thousands of sea turtles will be able to nest in peace without any disturbance from human presence. This comes as a huge win for the endangered species, as it’s shaping up to be their most successful mass nesting in years.

So, are you smiling by now? We hope so.

At Wirelab, we’re always looking to share the little ways that we find joy with you. If you’re feeling like you could use a little more of it, you could check out our other blog on how we manage to keep our office antics up and beat the isolation. Or, you could read the one where we ask Wirelab’s parents to share their new-found advice and funniest moments from working at home with their kids.

Whatever you decide to do: chin up! We’ll beat this isolation together!

