What Heals?

Soren Gordhamer
Wisdom 2.0
Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2020

The Power of Psychotherapy, Shamanism, & Psychedelics

Wisdom 2.0 Break Out

Healing is a mystery that has been explored since humans walked the Earth, and we are learning more about each day. We are excited to bring together a unique panel this year at Wisdom 2.0 2020 to explore this fascinating topic.

We are thrilled to bring together MAPS founder and director, Rick Doblin, who has been on the forefront of promoting the healing potential of psychedelics to Veterans and other groups for this panel. He will join medical anthropologist and author of Shaman, Teacher, Sage and Grow a New Body, Alberto Villoldo, who has spent 25 years studying the healing practices of the Amazon and Andean shamans.

Closing out the panel is Dick Schwartz, creator of Internal Family Systems (IFS) a revolutionary evidence-based form of psychotherapy to understand the various parts of us inside us and to heal. Together they will explore, What Heals? The session will be moderated by The Lotus Collaborative and The Luminous Healing Center Founder, Elizabeth Esalen.

Learn more at www.wisdom2summit.com

