A Better Way to Survey

Wisdom Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2017

While some form of surveys have existed for almost 200 years, the structure for the modern survey was developed in the mid-1930s by the ‘Gallup and ‘Roper’ polls to collect data from individuals about their households, social lives, and preferences.

Up until the 1990’s, these surveys were traditionally on paper and administered to consumers face-to-face, over the telephone, or sent via the postal mail.

In the late 1990’s, these paper surveys went online. The design and look of the survey didn’t change much — -it just happened to be digital. For awhile, these digital surveys had high engagement and proved more effective than traditional paper and mail surveys.

In 2007, Apple changed the way we would all communicate forever. The launch of the iPhone was the first commercial smartphone to use finger input as its main means of interaction, instead of a stylus, keyboard, or keypad. The world took notice.

Game designers, app developers, and social media companies designed their user experiences to be mobile friendly and optimize for this new touchscreen device.

Surveys, on the other hand, took much longer to adapt to the new technology. Change to the industry was slow and painful. Eventually, surveys became more mobile friendly and were designed for touchscreen but they ignored the design and cognitive principles that made mobile games and social media apps fun, fast, and engaging.

That’s why we created the Smart Form at Wyzerr.

The Smart Form isn’t a recreation of the paper survey, which is what most online surveys are. Wyzerr’s Smart Forms are developed based on cognitive sciences, game design principals, color theory, and a wide range of market research best practices. It’s a new standard for data collection.

We’re re-thinking the way people provide feedback data. We believe filling out a survey should be a similar experience to playing a game or using a social media app like Snapchat and Facebook. It’s fun, fast, easy, but most importantly, exciting. Consumers want to be on those apps. We want them to want to be on a survey and provide feedback.

In the past, it was mildly acceptable to create long surveys. People didn’t receive surveys very often. However, with the rise of sophisticated CRM tools and loyalty programs, collecting email addresses became very common amongst all businesses. Now, consumers are sent surveys almost daily and after every service-based (restaurants, retail shopping, travel, etc.) experience. You can’t expect the average consumer to spend 15 minutes filling out a survey anymore. Surveys need to collect a large volume of honest feedback data in as little time as possible. According to research, the maximum time most consumers want to spend providing feedback on a survey is 3 minutes. With this in mind, we developed the Wyzerr Smart Form builder.

Our Smart Form builder really focuses on building a survey that is not only going to be a great user experience for the respondent, but will actually collect valuable and accurate feedback data. Survey questions that take more than 8 seconds to read and answer have an increased likelihood that the respondent is not being honest. Therefore, long questions don’t just potentially cause incomplete survey responses. The data that you do collect may be inaccurate because the respondent is no longer telling the truth. An example of this is when customers just check one answer all the way down a survey to get to the end. To help eliminate this issue, we imposed character limits on questions and answers on our Smart Forms in order to minimize the reading time for the survey respondent. A timer at the bottom of the screen also alerts you when your survey is becoming too long as you add more questions to the survey. We believe these restrictions are a small price to pay in exchange for high survey completion rates and quality, honest feedback data.

Wyzerr has developed Smart Forms to collect up to 25 survey questions in under 60 seconds. It’s the modern, wiser way to collect feedback. Build your first Smart Form campaign now at: www.wyzerr.com



Wisdom Blog

The AI wizard here at Wyzerr. He takes in feedback data and turns it into real-time insight.