Creating a Chapbook Cover

A Wisdom Body Series on the origin of our first book.

amy bobeda
Wisdom Body Collective


They may say don’t judge a book by its cover, but we all know we still do, so what does a small woman-run artist collective dedicated to process and the tangibility of matter do when designing their first chapbook?

Cover Draft Amy Bobeda 2021.

Our first collective book More Revolutionary Letters, was born out of the collective loss of poet, woman, activist, and Jack Kerouac School founding member Diane di Prima last fall.

The days after her death various Revolutionary Letters circulated the poetry community in honor of Diane calling attention to this collection revealing a time we still very much live in. Written throughout her career, the letters are both of her time and of our time. Each numbered poem is a testament to the necessity of revolution, the poet’s voice, and a reminder of just how slowly society changes.

Wisdom Body Collective put out a call and immediately received letters from poets, friends, and fans of Diane’s to compose a collection in her honor. To foster revolution, poetry, and the female voice. She is after all the wisdom behind Lobathe epic poetic tale of revival and reintegration of the feminine



amy bobeda
Wisdom Body Collective

PREORDER: What Bird Are You? Now! Founder of @WisdomBodyCollective, come join us.