Halfway Summer Moon

Emily Willow
Wisdom Body Collective
Sent as a


2 min readJul 7, 2023
Ada’s view of the moon

This past week’s supermoon marked our transition into the second half of the year, and in the Northern Hemisphere the peak of midsummer. This time of year always reminds me of the opening lines of Tuck Everlasting: “at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning.” There is a sense of hovering, of slow suspension in these dreamy long days and heat. An odd stillness even amid the crowded bustling that summer brings. What stirs for you dear reader in the stillness?

We at WBC are very excited to announce another long-anticipated new book is stirring. Chris shares this about her forthcoming anthology: “Embodied Unconscious is a collaborative anthology that bridges generations of women writers to explore the depths of the feminine imaginary. It’s a collection of transcribed lectures from the Naropa archive on women writers of the 20th century and how they have shifted the literary landscape. I first started the anthology after the Summer Writing Program of the Jack Kerouac School in 2020 and invited other women writers from my cohort to assist with transcribing words of the past and reflecting on their impacts on us today. The anthology constellates these conversations and shows reverberations and evolutions of feminine writing into the modern day. Diving into the depths of the archives was a treasure trove, each poem a precious gem, every insight an unexplored cavern that expanded my understanding of creative lineages. The tome is a testament to the vastness of our creative potential and invites other writers to experiment in their craft.” The book is forthcoming with Spuyten Duyvil and available for preorder here.

In other news, one of our artistic ancestors and inspirations, Diane di Prima is being honored on what would have been her 89th birthday. More information on the tribute can be found here.

Also not to be missed is Stephanie Michele’s ode to the ancient wisdom of whales and what truths and depths our lush bodies hold:

“I want to imagine that one day the cage of [whale] bones will hold enough space for my spirit to reside, long after my current reality has ended.”

