On Offerings —

Stephanie Michele
Wisdom Body Collective
2 min readJan 14, 2022


A Wisdom Body Collective Series on Mothering & Winter Traditions

As I held the contents of Ada’s package in my hands, I thought to myself: this is mothering. She had sent a package of collected crayons, rings, and scraps of fabric which felt very spiritual in nature.

I have received a gift from everyone in our collective.

Amy’s hair, a box of fruit on my doorstep, our early-pandemic period of sharing a suitcase of books and collage supplies back to forth on each other’s doorsteps.

Chloe has gifted me a bracelet, dried roses, art supplies.

Chris has frozen a photograph of us in resin eternally and has gifted me collage pieces, cards, sea glass and art.

Before Emily moved, she handed me the remains of her clothing and craft collections from her car. I made a cat toy out her jeans. I felt like the luckiest person to be chosen as the new home of her beloved items.

Treasures mentioned above

On the night I held Ada’s package I realized how truly expansive mothering is.

Mothering within the Wisdom Body Collective could be defined as: I heard about the project or interest you’ve taken on and I am supporting you. Here are the supplies.

