Pink Moonglow

Springing into the Season Anew

Emily Willow
Wisdom Body Collective


2 min readApr 9, 2023


Photo by Dylan Sauerwein on Unsplash

Last week brought us the Pink Moon, or Paschal Moon. This full moon always conjures for me the Nick Drake song of the same name, and along with it memories of the first time I heard the song. “A Pink Moon is on its way. And none of you stand so tall.” It was in a kitchen of an old friend I visited in Copenhagen, the windows open wide to show the central courtyard where we would later enjoy our lunch. My memories of Copenhagen are of a beautiful, designed place. Of course a graveyard can also be a garden of trees and shrubs. Of course the electric cables can also hold the street lamps. Designed as in, material infused with intentionality.

This feels in a way like part of our work at Wisdom Body Collective. Whether through our own creative essays and reviews or the work of other artists that we publish as books and chapbooks, we witness the intentionality of the material — the world, our relationships, even our own bodies — and respond in kind.

This month, Ada writes the Collective’s first theatre review, a performance on otherness and permeability. “Individuality feels fluid, muted by green flowing linens contingent on pulsating lights that change relationally based on how near or far their bodies are from one another.”

The Collective’s second published book, Marlie McGovern’s A Body Made of Eyes is now happily in the hands of readers. I had the honor of being given my copy by Marlie herself, and we basked in the relief and the wonder of the arrival of this beautiful bloom of a book.

Edina, MN

A Body Made of Eyes is also now available at The New Local Nonprofit — a budding female-led artist space and gallery in west Boulder, Co.

On the Pink Moon, the calligraphy artist, Barbara Bash gave an evening lecture at Naropa, sketching the evolution of western lettering before the invention of the printing press. She ended with a collaborative poem scrawled across a giant swath of butcher paper:

full moon illuminates
spring branches awakening
last embers burn

As WBC transitions into the warmer days of spring, our new projects are budding. We’re in the midst of editing a chapbook: After Roe — exploring the poetics, grief, and experiences of life after the Supreme Court ruling. We still have space in the chapbook for poems/prose/hybrid/text & image work. If you have something that might fit, please email it to us at

