Winter Spiral Day #15

C. M. Chady
Wisdom Body Collective
2 min readDec 14, 2020

a WBC writing invitation series for the Winter Solstice

On this night of the new moon, I invite you to welcome the shared darkness into your practice.

Without the light, we turn inward to ourselves for deepened contemplation.

This writing invitation is particularly embodied. To begin, sit in the darkness. Have a piece of paper and a writing instrument. Tune into your breath, bodily sensations, and environment. Perhaps even in the dark, there is light from outside or you are able to distinguish shapes around your room. To enhance the darkness, you are welcome to close your eyes if that is comfortable.

In the dark, sketch constantly on your paper, not thinking too much about what you are forming. Allow your hand and mind to be in sync but free from constrictive intentions. Capture the moment’s sensations and thoughts.

Then turn on a dim light, preferably a candle or something similar to remain in a similar mindset.

Write into what your sketch reveals.

From November 30 until the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020, Wisdom Body Collective is offering daily writing invitations to inspire your creative work during these darkening days. Join us in our journey and check in every day for each new invitation!

We invite you to share your process or outcomes along the way. We’ll be posting some of our favorites after completing the Spiral!



C. M. Chady
Wisdom Body Collective

C. M. Chady is a cross-genre writer who is particularly interested in topics of memory, loss, time, and impermanence.