Book Quotes — Conversations with God Book 2

Treasure Hunter
Wisdom Drops
Published in
20 min readJun 20, 2020

By Neale Donald Walsch

It’s an irony of life that when you need our connection the most, you step away from it. “You stop doing that by stopping doing that”

On Purpose

Life is an ongoing process of creation. Yet here is a secret of all Masters: Keep choosing the same thing. Over and over until your will is made manifest in your reality. When you make up your mind about something, you set the universe into motion. Be of one mind and of single-purpose about a thing. And don’t take your mind off of it until you have produced it in reality. Keep focused. Stay centred. I will give you whatever you call forth, whether it’s good for you or bad for you. Have you looked at your life lately?

Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence. When you have found God, and when you have found truth, it is not necessary to talk about it. It is self evident. Know yourself as a creator. You are being protected.

As we evolve, the struggle becomes not about a struggle but a process. It is a process of self definition, of growth, of being, the reason becomes the process and the doer becomes a beer. The reason is to experience heavenly things. Now the concerns are largely the concerns of the soul. Greatness will no longer be measured by how much one has accumulated. The worlds resources will rightly be seen as belonging to all the worlds people. When you choose to be who you really are — god made manifest — you will never again acti in an ungodly manner.

The experience of wanting is just that -wanting. I produce what you call forth@ You call forth precisely what you think, feel and say. It’s as simple as that. Why does it take so much time for me to create the reality I choose? Because you do not believe you can have what you choose. Because you do not know what to choose. Because you want guarantees ahead of time that all your choices will be good. And because you keep changing your mind! Is this a statement of Who I Am? Is this an announcement of Who I Choose to Be? Better to save your time than to spend it wastefully. It is a great time-saver to be out of your mind. Decisions are reached quickly, choices are activated rapidly, because your would creates out of present experience only, without review, analysis, and criticism of past encounters.

Every now moment is a glorious gift fro God. That’s why it is called thee present. In moments of great decision, be out of your mind, and do some soul searching instead. The soul speaks to you in feelings. Listen to your feelings. Follow your feelings. Honor your feelings. Because you have labeled growth “ trouble” and standing still ‘safe’. Your feelings will never get you into trouble because your feelings are your truth. If you listen to your soul you will know what is best for you, because what is best for you is what is true for you. When you act only out of what is true for you, you speed your way down the path. Why does it take so much time to create the reality you choose? This is why: because you have not been living your truth. Know the truth: and the truth shall set you free. Yet once you come to know your truth, don’t keep changing your mind about it. It is a returning to how you feel, not how you think. Your thoughts are just that — thoughts. Mental constructions. Made up creations of your mind. But your feelings — now they are real. Feelings are the language of the soul. And your would is your truth.

Envy is a natural emotion, urging you to drive to be more — HAVING A HOME. It is pure desire. It gives birth to greatness. Jealousy, on the other hand, is a fear driven emotion making one willing for the other to have less. it is an emotion often based in bitterness.

I have no preference in the matter of how you conduct your life. My only desire is that you experience yourself fully as a creative being, so that you might know Who You Really Are.

Remember this: it is not nearly so important how well a message is received as how well it is sent. You cannot take responsibility for how well another accepts your truth; you can only ensure how well it is communicated. And by how well, i mean how lovingly, how compassionately, how sensitively, how courageously, and how completely. Express what you call your most negative feelings, but not destructively. Failure to express negative feelings does not make them go away; it keeps them in. Negativity kept in harms the body and burdens the soul. The is why it is so important to get these negativities out, to release them. Only by letting go of them — putting them out there, placing them in front of you.

The greatest challenge as human beings is to Be Here Now. Too stop making things up. Stop creating thoughts about a pre-sent moment. Be in the moment. Remember, you sent your self this moment as a gift. REACTIVE . CREATIVE. nothing is more natural than love. If you act lovingly, you will be active naturally. if you react fearfully, resentful, angrily, you may be acting normally, but you will never be acting naturally. Creating yourself anew. You keep reacting yourselves in the image of your next highest idea about yourself.

Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

How can i get from where i am to where i want to be?
Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
When you came very young, you came to me only when you were in trouble, when you needed something. As you grew older and matured, you realized that was probably not a right relationship with God. and sought to create something more meaningful. As you came to understand that union with God can be achieved only through communion with God, you undertook the practices and behaviors that could achieve communion, yet even these you engaged sporadically inconsistently. You meditated, you held ritual, you called me forth in prayer and chant, you evolked the spirit of me in you but only when it suited you only when you felt inspired. Still you’ve spent 95 percent of your life caught up in the illusion of separateness, and only flickering moments here and there in the realization of ultimate reality.

I am with you always. I don’t live in the pen. I live in you. Get close to me. get close to me. Do what you can. Do what you have to. Do what it takes. To some of you i am pure energy. To some, the ultimate feeling, which you call love. You simply know that I AM.

A secret of all masters is to stop changing one’s mind, keep choosing the same thing. Don’t take no for an answer. Start going with what feels like Who You Are. Your feelings are your truth. What is best for you is waht is true for you. Once you know your truth, live it.

All of life is a process of deciding Who You Are, and then experiencing that. As you keep expanding your vision, you make up new rules to cover that.

No persons do anything inappropriate given their model of the world. Peoples ideas of right and wrong change.

On Death

What if I told you that what you call death is the greatest thing that could happen to anyone? At the moment of your death you will realize the greatest freedom, the greatest peace, the greatest joy, and the greatest love you have ever known. your purpose here, it is to remember.The purpose of life is to know, and to recreate, Who You Are.

Understan that death is not an end, but a beginning, not a horror, but a joy. It is not a choosing down, but an opening up. The happiest moment of your life will be the moment it ends. So Full of peace and wisdom and joy, as to make it difficult to describe and impossible for you to comprehend.


If you see a future event or experience you do not like, don’t choose it! Choose again! select another! Change or later your behavior so as to avoid the undersired outcome.

if you don’t like what you sense about your future, step away from that. Just step away from it. In that instant you change your experience- and everyone of You breathes a sigh of relief.

You can also live different lives at different times on the Continnum. All the while you’re being you, here now, you can also be, and have been other selves in other times and places.

You are using all of life all of many lives to be and decide Who You Really Are. to choose and to create Who You Really Are to experience and to fulfill your current idea about yourself. You have drawn the people, events, and circumstances of your life to you as tools with which to fashion the Grandest Version of the Grreatest Vision you ever had about yourself. Your future you is saying Hey, this was no fun. Don’t do this.

Understand and Accept Who You Are

Embrace the process and move through it with peace and wisdom and joy. Grant your God the bengit of the doubt. Use your Now Momet for Highest Purpose the creation and the expression of Who You Really are. Decide Who You Are — who you want to be and then do everything in your power to be that. If a way is made known to you to create, display, express and experience your Divine Self in ever more glory right here, right now, follow that way. And a way will be made known to you, because you have asked.

Assume responsibility for ourselves.

The guidance you are getting is to follow your hear. Listen to your soul. Hear your self. even when i present you with an option, an idea, a point of view, you are under no obligation to accept that as your own. Itf you disagree, then disagree. That is the whole point of this exercise. The idea wasn't for you to substitute your dependency on everything and everyone else with a dependency on this book. The idea was to cause you to think. To think for yourself and that is who i am right now. I am you, thinkin' i am you, thinkin' out loud.

you are creating it all — all of your life -right here, right now. You are creating it. You do not life? Then change them. do it. now. before you start hearing them as gospel. Before you start making them real. before you start calling your last thoguth about something more important more valid, more true than your next thought.

In terms of who you are and who you seek to be, does that thought serve you? Does it serve us to hold this thought? Each soul creates for itself the exact people,events, and circumstances needed to accomplish what it wishes to accomplish. You choose everything. Your parents. Your country of birth. All the circumstances surrounding your reentry. Thoughout the days and times of your life, you continue to choose and to create people, events, and circumstances designed to bring you the exact, right, and perfect opportunities you now desire in order to know yourself as you truly are.

Allow them to work out their own karma. Everything you think, say and do is a reflection of what you’ve decided about yourself; a statement of Who You Are; an act of creation in your deciding who you want to be. You are seeking to be and to experience Who You Really Are — and to create that you are creating yourself anew in every moment of Now.

Most people hide the things they are ashamed of or don’t want other people to know about. That is why the largest number of you hide your sexuality, and that is why nearly all of you hide your money. Nothing breeds appropriate behavior faster than exposure to the light of public scrutiny. Now it is time to bring some ‘sunshine’ to the way you deal with compensation for goods and services on your planet.

On Relationships

Your first question, always, must be: What do i want here? not what does the other person want here?

The reason your relationships are in such a mess is that you’re always trying to figure out what the other person wants and what other people want instead of what you truly want. Then you have to decide whether to give it to them. And here is how you decide: you decide by taking a look at what you may want from them. If there's nothing you think you’ll want from them, your first reason for giving them what they want disappears, and so you very seldom do. If on the other hand, you see that there is something you want or may want from them, then your self survival mode kicks in, and you try to give them what they want. Then you resent it — especially if the other person doesn’t eventually give you what you want. You meet my needs and i’ll meet yours. Not great!

The purpose of your holy relationship with every other person place or thing is not to figure out what they want or need, but what you require or desire now in order to grow, in order to be who you want to be.

Creating and experiencing your own reality, expanding and exploring that reality, changing and re-creating that reality as you stretch your consciousness to new limits. Consciousness is everything. This is the act of God being God. it is me being me through you.

Remember that the greatest help you can give a person is to wake them up, to remind them of Who They Are.

No ones point of view is less worthy of being heard that another. No one human being has less dignity than another. An awareness of oneness and a consciousness of Love.

On Romantic Relationships

The best personal relationships are relationships in which everyone knows everything, in which visibility is not only the watchword, but the only word in which there simply are no secrets. In these relationships nothing is withheld, nothing is headed or colored or hidden or disguised. Nothing is left out or unspoken. There is no guess work, there is no game playing, no one is doing a dance, running a number, or shinning you on.

This is about simply being open and honest in your dealings with another. This is about simply telling the truth when you speak, and about withholding no truth when you know it should be spoken. This is about never again lying, or shading, or verbally or mentally manipulating, or twisting your truth into the hundred and one other contortions which typify the largest number of human communications. This is about coming clean, telling it like it is giving it to them straight. This is about fairness and openness and visilbity. Yet this does not mean that every single thought, every private fear, every darkest memory , every fleeting judgement, opinion, or reaction must be placed on the table for discussion and examination. We are talking here about simple, direct, straightforward, open, honest, complete communication.

When you lose the fear of having your life become totally visible at the moment of your death, you can get over the fear of having your life become totally visible while you are living it. Seek the truth, say thee truth, live the truth every day. Do this with yourself and with every person whose life you touch. Then get ready to be naked. Stand by for visibility. Look to see what you are afraid of .

Offering Help

When your help is offered in such a way that it creates continued dependence, rather than rapid independence. When you allow another, in the name of compassion, to begin to rely on you rather than rely on themselves. That is not compassion, that is compulsion. The goals is to help the weak grow strong, not to let the weak become weaker. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Never offer the kind of help that disempowers. Never insist on offering the help you think is needed. Let the person or people in need know all that you have to give — then listen to what they want see what they are ready to receive. Offer the help that is wanted. Despite what you think you’d like to give, leaving them alone might be the highest gift you can then offer. Yet strive to give nothing which disempowers. That which disempoers is that which promotes or produces dependency. In truth, there is always some way you can help others which also empowers them.

On Morality

Goodness and fairness are moral issues, not political ones. There is only one place where goodness is born, and that is in the human heart. There is only one place where fairness can be conceptualized, and that is in the human mind. There is only one place where love can be experienced truly, and that is in the human soul. Because the human soul is love.

Some level of governance is going to be reuiqred until your raceevolves to the point where you naturally do what is naturally right. We are responsible for each other. No one is truly well off if they are well off while others are dying. The evolution of a society is measured by how well it treated the least among its members. Are your fellow humans enlarged or reduced as a result of your help? Have you made them bigger or smaller? more able or less able? Compassion never ends, love never stops, patience never runs out in Gods World.

Simply want nothing. Have preferences, but no needs. Live simply.

Love gives all. requires nothing.

On Creation

Seek to build not to destroy.
Seek only godliness. Speak only in truthfulness. Act only in love. Give everything, require nothing. Do not accept the unacceptable. Teach all who seek to learn of Me. Make every moment of your life an outpouring of love. Use every moment to think the highest thoughts, say the highest word, do the highest deed. In this glorify your holy self, and thus too glorify me. Bring peace to the Earth by bringing peace to all those whose lives you touch. Be peace.

Embrace every circumstance, own every fault, share every joy, contemplate every mystery, walk in every mans shoes, forgive every offense, heal every heart, honor every person’s truth, adore every person’s God, protect every person’s rights, preserve every person’s dignity, promote every persons interest, provide every persons needs, presume every persons holiness.

Speak humbly of yourself.
Speak softly, lest someone think you are merely calling for attention
Speak gently that all might know of Love.
Speak openly, lest anyone think you have something to hide.
Speak respectfully, that no one be dishonored.
Speak lovingly, that every syllable may heal
Make of your life a gift. Remember always, you are the gift. Be a gift to everyone who entered your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another life if you cannot be a gift.

When someone entered your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you.

I tell you this: every person who has ever come to you has come to receive a gift from you. In so doing, he gives a gift to you — the gift of your experiencing and fulfilling Who You Are.

I have sent you nothing but angels.

Life Moves in Cycles

Life moves in cycles. Everything is cyclical. Everything. When you understand this, you become more able to enjoy the process. There is a natural rhythm to life, and everything moves to that rhythm, everything goes wit that flow.

Women live their whole lives by Rhytm They are in rhythm with life itself. Men want to push, pull, resist, direct the flow. Women experience it — then mold with it to produce harmony. Women treat their bodies more gracefully when they are in them. If you admit to yourself what you are seeing, have seen, if you acknowledge what is so, you may find truth in this generality.

On Self Love

If it’s something you love doing, you should not also be rewarded additionally with money. Most people earn money by doing something they hate- or something that is at least hard work not endless joy. Guilt is often used by you in your attempt to feel bad about something you feel good about and thus reconcile yourself with God, who you think does not want you to feel good about anything. yo are especially not to feel good about joys of the body. And absolutely not about sex. It’s also all right to love your self. In fact, it’s mandatory.

Life should also not have to be about ignoring your own needs. Give yourself abundant pleasure and you will have abundant pleasure to give others.

The Things You Want Most

Love the things you desire — for your life of them draws them to you. These things are the stuff of life. When you love them you love life! When you declare that you desire them, you announce that you choose all the good that life has to offer. So Choose sex and love.

On Sex and Lovemaking

Give yourself abundant pleasure, and you will have abundant pleasure to give to others. Feeling good is the souls way of shouting This is who I am.

They move. They can’t get enough of each other, cant get close enough together. They strive to get close. They explode and their entire physical bodies convulse. The vibration send ripples to their fingertips. In the explosion of their oneness they have known the god and the goddess the alpha nd the omega. The Essence of Life. The two have become one. and a third entity often is created of the two in physical form. They have literally created life.

The closer you are, the more intense the energy.

Your society puts sex, very natural, normal human function under cover, then turns around and kills people right out in the open. That is the obscenity. You have made sex so dirty, shameful, taboo that you’re embarrassed to do it.

Woman feeling they'd like to experience somethings, then holding back because they think that what they've dramt of, fantasized about, would violate the standards of propriety. Never fail to do something simply because it might violate someone else's standards of propriety.

What would love do now?

Allow your children to see and observe the romantic side of you. Let them see that their parents love each other and that showing their love physically is something that is very natural and very wonderful. Experience of themselves with an inner sense of joy and celebration. All children emulate their patterns. So talk about sex with your children, laugh about sex with your children, teach them and allow them and remind them and show them how to celebrate their sexuality.

Discover, revisit, regain, reclaim your own sexuality. Celebrate that. Enjoy that. Own that. Enjoy everything. Need nothing.

Needing someone is the fastest way to kill a relationship. But we all like to feel needed. Then stop it. Like to feel unneeded instead — for the greatest gift you can give someone is to strength and the power not to need you, to need you for nothing.


The mind is forgotten after age 30. No one reads anymore. No one writes. No one teaches. No one learns. The mind is forgotten. It is not nourished. It is not expanded. No new input. The minimum output required. The mind is not fed. it is not awakened. it is lulled, dulled. You do everything you can to disengage it. Body level feed the body, clothe the body, give the body stuff. Most people havne’t read a good book — a book from which they can learn something.

Wisdom is knowledge applied. You are teaching your children what to think instead of how to think. You are telling them what they are suppose to know, what you want them to understand is true. When you give your children wisdom, you do not tell them what to know, or what is true, but rather how to get to their own truth

Classes in critical thinking, problem solving, and logic are considered by many parents to be threatening. History reveleas, Politics justified. Let them decide for themselves.

How should we educate our young? Treat them as spirits. It is very confining, very limiting. So the child will cry out at suddenly being so limited. Hear this cry. Understand it. And give your children as much of a sense of unlimitedess as you possibly can. Introduce them to the world you have created with gentleness and care. Be full of care. Be careful. Children remember everything they see, everything they experience. While the newly born experience the safety and the comfort of that which has given it life.

Teach concepts not Subjects. Core Concepts

Stories of awareness, stories dealing with honesty, stories about responsibility. Contextualized within the larger life experience in a way which draws attention to and places focus upon the Core Concepts and their derivatives.

Until you are willing to take responsibility for al of it, you cannot change any of it. You cannot keep saying they did it, and they are doing it, and if only they would get it right. Every challenge to look at your values, and maybe even restructure them, is greeted with feat and then anger.

Bsic concepts of civilized societies. Social Studies.

Read the writings of the man called Rudolph Steiner. Explore the methods of The Waldorf School.

Independent thought

When was the last time you felt your soul being expressed? When was the last time you cried with joy? wrote poetry? made music? danced in the rain? Baked a pie? painted anything? fixed something that was broken? Kissed a baby? held a cat to your face? hiked up a hill? swam naked? walked at sunrise? played the harmonica? talked till dawn? made love for hours? Searched for God?

Education model recognizes and announces that the human relationship, the bonding and the love which is shared in such a paradigm is just as important as any facts the teacher may impart to the child.

The law of attraction

The Law of attraction. Like thoughts attract like thoughts along the matrix and when enough of these similar energies clump together, so to speak, their vibrations become heavier, they slow down. Thoughts do create physical form and when many people are thinking the same thing, there is a very high likelihood their thoughts will form a reality.

Feeling good is your way of telling yourself that your last thought was truth, that your last word was wisdom, that your last action was love. To notice how far you have progressed, to measure how highly you have evolved, simply look to see what makes you feel good. Yet don’t seek to force your evolution — to evolve further, faster — by denying what feels good or stepping away from it.

Self denial is self destruction.Regulatingones behavior is an active choice to do or not do something based on ones decision regarding who they are. How far on has evolved is what makes one feel good.

The Matrix — the combined current energy field within any given parameter — is a powerful vibe. It can directly impact, affect, and create physical objects and events.

On Love

To realize that the only problem of humanity is lack of love. Love breeds tolerance, tolerance breeds peace. Intolerance produces ware and looks indiffernetly upon intolerable conditions. The faster way to get to a place of love and concern for all humankind is to see all humankind as your family. The fastest way to see all humankind as your family is to stop separating yourself.

Wars are created on your planet because somebody has something that somebody else wants. The only peace in all the world that is sustaining is internal peace. Let each person find peace within. When you find peace within, you also find that you can do without. Not needing is a great freedom. It frees you, first, from fear: fear that there is something you won’t have, fear that there is something you have that you will lose, and fear that without a certain thing, you wont be happy. Secondly not needing frees yo from anger. Anger is fear announced. When you have nothing to fear, you have nothing over which to be angry. You are not angry when someone is unkind, because you have no need for them to be kind. You have no anger when someone is unloving, because you have no need for them to love you. You are clear that you cannot be damaged.

Have Faith

Need nothing. Desire everything. Choose what shows up. Feel your feelings. cry your cries. Laugh your laughs. Honor your truth. Yet when all the emotion is done, be still and know that I am God.

In a moment of Great tragedy, the challenge always is to quiet the mind and move dep within the soul. You automatically do it's when you have no control over it. Time slowed way down, that they were overcome by a curious calm, that there was no fear at all. In your darkest hour, i will be your light. In your blackest moment, I will be your consolation.Have Faith.


  1. Watch Matrix with Sergio

