Book Quotes — Conversations with God Book 3

Treasure Hunter
Wisdom Drops
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2020

By Neale Donald Walsch

Give to other

Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.
If you choose to be happy, cause another to be happy. Do this sincerely. All the things you give away will come to you.

When you want something, give away. You will then no longer be wanting it. You will immediately experience having it.

If you want your life to settle down, to stop bringing you such a wide variety of experiences. Simply stop changing your mind so often about Who You Are, and Who You Choose to be.

Grief, Anger, Envy, Fear, Love are all-natural emotions.
Love that is continually repressed becomes possessiveness, a very unnatural emotion.

We are All One

Act as if you were separate from nothing and no one and you will heal your world tomorrow.

On Purpose

The purpose of your soul its reason for coming to the body — is to be and express Who You Really Are. The greatest desire of the soul is to experience itself as a creator.

My purpose is to evolve, not to condemn, to grow, not to die, to experience, not to fail to experience. My purpose is to Be, not to cease to Be.

See the only perfection, express only gratefulness and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next. You create your own reality not only when you are with the body, but when you are away from it. You have 3 choices:

  1. May allow your uncontrolled thoughts to create The Moment
  2. You may allow your creative consciousness to create The Moment
  3. You may allow the collective consciousness to create The Moment.

You are at choice, always, about what you wish to experience. What do you choose? What do you choose? What do you choose?

Your life is a reflection of what you desire, and what you believe you may have of what you desire. I cannot give you what you do not believe you may have. You cannot get there, you can only be there.

Purpose of your life is to decide and to be Who You Really Are.

Be the source of love. Whatever you want to experience in yourself, be the source of it in the lives of others.

On company we keep

Be wise to seek beings of high consciousness. I cannot overemphasize the importance of the company you keep.

On Movement

To not move is to die. All of life is motion. Even rocks are filled with motion. Everything moves. Everything. There is nothing that is not in motion. Be open. Don’t close off the possibility of new truth because you have been comfortable with an old one. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Pay attention to every hunch you have, every feeling you feel, every intuitive hit you experience. Pay attention. Observe.


Past, present, and future are concepts you have constructed, realities you have invented, in order to create a context within which to frame your present experience. Everything is happening at once.

On Death

At the moment of your death, you go on living.
Film: What Dreams May Come.

Your refusal to contemplate your own death leads to your refusal to contemplate your own life. To contemplate a thing deeply is to see right through it. Then the illusion ceases to exist. Then you see a thing for what it really is. Nothing is painful the moment you understand that nothing is real.

On Acceptance

Englithment beings with acceptance, without judgement of what i. This is known as moving into the isness. It is in the isness where freedom will be found. What you resist, persists. What you look at disappears. That is, it ceases to have it illusory form. You see it for what it is. and what is can always be changed it is only what is not that cannot be changed. Therefore to change the isness, move into it. Do not resist it. do not deny it. What you deny you declare, what you declare you create. What you deny controls you.

Raising Energy

Study the chakra centres and what they mean. The higher you raise the energy of lie thought your physical being, the more elevated will be your consciousness.

Daily meditation — you can raise your life energy to the highest chakra. In meditation, you place yourself in a state of readiness to experience total awareness while your body is in an awakened state.

You find beauty and wisdom. For wisdom is found whenever beauty is formed.

If you believe the noises of the world rather than the silences of your soul, you will be lost.

On Self Love

Being who does not love the Self, and who allows the self to be abused, damanaged, and destroyed by others, then you will continue behaviours which allow you to experience that. You must include your self among the people will whom you are being these things. Everyhing in life depends on what you are seeking to be. You are a human being. What you are being is decided and chosen by you.

What you think, you create. What you create, you become. What you become, you express. What you express, you experience. What you experience, you are. What you are, you think.

On Change

True change is always made at the level of being not doing.
you have to raise consciousness before you can change consciousness.
Observe what works!

You have nothing to learn. You have only to remember. Seek your own answers. Have your own conversation. Create your own truth.

If you wish to increase the speed with which you are evolving, seek to observe more. Increase your observation skills. See whats so, and then do what works.

Like the things life keeps bringing you. Know and understand that you are bringing it to your Self. See the perfection. See it in everything, not just in things that you call perfect.

Stop trying to use ‘doingness’ to solve your problems, but rather, move to and come from a state of being which would cause your experience of those problems to disappear, and the conditions themselves to thus evaporate.

On Simplicity

Highly evolved beings enjoy simplicity. It is why all highly evolved systems are also utterly simple. highly evolved systems of government, of education, of economics — all are utterly, elegantly simple.

On Community

Live in clusters, what you would call small intentional communities.

Next Steps:

Raise the kundalini energy
Writings of Deepak Chopra
Considering quitting meat.
Don’t understand: There is no such thing as time.

