Book Quotes — So Lucky

Treasure Hunter
Wisdom Drops
Published in
5 min readAug 3, 2020

By Dawn O’Porter

A book about how externally people might look perfect, but inside they might be dealing with some other issues.

July 2020.

A second book I read about Dawn O’Porter this year. The first one was The Cows and it got me interested to read her latest published book — So Lucky. The paperback edition was published in 2020 July, the time when I read this book. It took me only one week, so for my standards, that was very fast. I’m not usually the one reading books fast, so I can definitely claim that it’s a page-turner.

She starts the book by defining what “LUCK” means.

“Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions”

The book has three female characters: Ruby, Beth and Lauren and we follow their not so perfect lives until they all meet in one of their lives happenings.

Book Quotes

“In a marriage -that love is the easy bit, but the desire is the challenge when you spend a lot of time with someone. The trick is to keep desire going. and to do that you have to reinstate some mystery”

“It is important to me that I am not failing at everything”

It is women who are damaging other women. They hide the truth as much as I do.

Lauren is childlike, not the confident, bubbly person she puts on display on her Instagram feed there is always someone, or something supporting her. She seems quite lost. or maybe I am just projecting. It's so rare that Michael makes ay physical connection with me at all. The concept of m husband touching me should not feel so alien. Women must throw themselves at him all the time, but yet, he chooses to marry Lauren Pearce. She doesn’t have any real friends; every time I asked her about bridesmaids she was never sure who or how many she would have. Her clothes are always stunning, and she is vegan.

He cares about me. I know that much.

Men find confidence in the sexiest thing of all.

At the end of the day, we all just do our best.

Whenever I am I always worry I'm giving one part of my life more attention than it deserves and neglecting the other. I need to find a better balance. Somewhere in this wild schedule there needed to be time for me and my own needs. Whatever they are. I don’t even know anymore.

She needs us. All kids want is their parents to tell them everything is going to be OK.

Self Care if we don’t take time for ourselves then what do we expect? i feel blessed to be living the life i am living, but that doesn’t change the voices in my head saying i don't deserve it. My anxiety is a daily battle. I wake up and have a green juice, i exercise. You are alive you have it all, you are loved. The battle is real.

My basic diet consists of boiled eggs, green leafy vegetables, occasional slices of high-quality brown bread, homemade soup and fish.

You must do what makes you happy.

Every woman had relationships she is not proud of. Some left them with shame.

I have spent most of my adult life trying to justify my actions. I have to do is give myself permission to have acted in that way, give myself permission to have been young and unbothered by the consequences. If it wasn’t hurtful at the time, then why should it be hurtful now?

Drinking alone in the afternoon usually means you have something you should be talking about.

Everyone has the right to act out of character sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re OK and this is between us. It doesn’t have to collapse your world. Rather than give yourself a hard time for what you did, try and fix the reason you did it. You gave me a perspective that I think I needed. All problems are relative. You can’t compare everything to the death of a child.

Some men just like to have a woman at home. Security against their loneliness. Someone they can rely on to make the house and make babies.

To fear yourself is a form of torture. To walk confidently in just your underwear in the confines of your own house, without wanting to cry, is an experience that all women should be able to take for granted. Everyone has the right to act badly. Its how we recover that matters.

it's so strange being around a man with grown-up emotions and pragmatic calling, no bullying. It makes me realise what a mess Michale really is.

What I’ve learned is that saying the word that feels impossible to say is the best way to get through anything.

To say the word may be hard but living with them trapped inside of you is worse. I don't want to be trapped. I don’t love my husband anymore. that isn't my fault. That is my truth. its time i dealt with it.

We could find out why it was happening and find a solution together. id have done whatever it took but rather than do that you choose to cause me of being demented. Your treatment of me has been so damaging that you gave me a problem, a big one. Not about my weight. You did make me obsessed with sex. I felt so lonely, so rejected so unattracted and so desperate, that i slept with someone else. I’m leading you because you checked out of this relationship and married me with false promises. You have no right to de3ny me intimacy for my entire life, just because its not important to you. It’s important to me, and i deserve it.

There are happy and successful relationships all around us. They’re easy to find and they are everything you imagine. You never ever have to be trapped in it. nothing bad has to be forever. you surround yourself with other women, because together we can get through anything.

My new life — a life where i accept myself for all that i am, i don’t deny myself my truth. i am sad and often afraid. i must ask for help. i am stronger than i think. i am in control of my life and with the right people around me, i can get through anything.

