Book Quotes — The Cows

Treasure Hunter
Wisdom Drops
Published in
6 min readMay 14, 2020

by: Dawn O’Porter

Dawn O’Porter is brilliant. I first got to know her on stumbling upon her Instagram a year ago. Somehow, somewhere, not sure how or exactly when, but it was a year ago. I was following her insta storied and just loved how open and funny she is. She loves a good karaoke, staying fit through a bit of a struggle, being cool with her style and having a fun husband co-creating life together.

I bought “The Cows” about a year ago when I learned that it was a book that she wrote. I was curious to learn more about my new woman inspiration. However, the book arrived and it was on my bookshelf ever since. What can I say… it was a busy year.

So here is another reason to be #g.grateful for #stayathome movement of March. The best quotes of the book:

The book is about three woman, all at different stage of life, dealing with motherhood, public shame, despearation for children and definite decision not to have childen in life.

The Cows by Dawn O’Porter

If you’re honest, then maybe it will all be OK

What do I see in the mirror? I see ghosts of my mum and sister staring back at me.

It’s the really mundane day-to-day tasks that i love the most. Just her, plodding along, living life.

you take photographs that change the way people think

My village was small but indestructible. I was so happy in the comfort of my own decisions.

My job has trained me to ask for what I want.

My father let me work out how to be happy my own way.

Women want role models; they get behind high-profile females who pave the way for forward thinkers and they hail them as heroes, but if they drop the ball, say the wrong thing or talk a littel too controversially, they get thrown to the lions.

I felt like society was telling me i have no value as a women because i can’t have kids

It takes focus, planning and cafetul attention to detail not to fall off when you live in a world where 140 characters could ruin your life.

That careful balance of pushing boundaries, being brave, but not offending.

G.HEALING: I can be a real bitch in situations where people around me express joy

G.HEALING: He used to be so socialbe, so upbeat. It’s waht attracted me to him. I want someone good. someone honest, safe and fun.Being married to someone who won’t accpet her for who she is. I don’t want to have to lie, or hide, or deny anything.

I’m extremely turned on by ambition and success, so go for women who have achieved a lot, but the downside of that is that they never seem to want kids. I’m one of those guys who is desperate for a fmaily. O’d fashioned man in a modern woman’s world.

She knows her reatlinoship with the world through the internet is better than it is with it in person. She conducts most of her relationships on email, but its not like she’s literally alone, like an old person in a home that no one comes to visit. She. could go out if she wanted to , she just doesn’t want to . Does she want to? Or has she become so consumed with her online profile that she’s forgotten how to communication face to face? In her virtual world she is bold, brave and powerful. In the real work. she kind of sucks.

I think when you’ve truly mastered the skill of enjoying your own company, happiness just comes.

G.HEALING :Writing is my therapy, my way of connecting with the world.

I can gain nothing from having a childe, becuase i would lose oso many of the things that are imporatn to me. Solitude, travel, late nights, lazy weekends, sex on the couch in the middle of the day, to name but a few.

You will always have each other. Tha’s what family should be, the people who are there for you, no matter what you do.

High profile women in the world who don’t have kids: Oprah, Gloria Steinem, Helen Mirren, Dolly Parton.

Women can’t keep complaining about how society treats them if they just take being told they’re wrong all the time and don’t react.

Do what is right for you, respond in a way that makes you feel comfortable. You can’t control what other people do, but you can control how you deal with it. If someone is stopping you get what you want, tell them. Stop using victim language. Don’t apologise for who you are, and don’t take shit. Don’t be a victim. Feminism needs you to step up. Get waht you want. Just go out there, and take it.

What if you speak up and get what you want? Taking risks is what moves us forward. By helping oursevles, we help others.

I have come to discover that very often the best therapy is seeing other peope in pain. It’s why society is so obsessed with celebrity gossip, and why soap operas are so depressing. Hearing about other people’s shit makes you feel better, less alone — and that is the problem with Cam Stacey, it’s all so bloody perky.

That fireball of rage kept pushing me through the day, it gae me something to think about. Food doesn’t taste of anything right now, i’m just eaing to pass some time.

One more session of torturing myself with other people’s joy. Groups of friends, happyfamilies, big achievements. Why do i do it to myself. It isn’t attention I want, it’s relief.

We are good people, and good people don’t die alone. W’ll find love, and have families, and be incredibly happy and fulfilled.

My boss has been belittering me for so long. You made me realise that i hate my job. That i feel more qualified than him.

Emotional self harm. Why is she taking this time to be so anry.

Somehow i have to reclaim my life.

It’s best to be alone than surrounded by people who don’t love you.

I can’t find a person who loves me enough to share the exprience of having a baby and creating a family.

Maybe female solidarity is oming my way after all.

What it means to be a good friend:

Open. Honest. Present.

I officially have a huge opening for a decent friend.

Surrounded by people who love you.

I’m lucky i’m healthy. I need to focus on the positive more, and make this book really really good

Once the decision was made, i never allowed myself to question it. It was my choice, my body, my baby. Her own choices are the right choices.

Public shame



GHEALS: Cam buckles at the intimacy

We think you are at your best when you keep things light and fun, nothing too heavy or political.

Just find a way to be as happy yourself.

Family: “It’s a tiny unit that really matters. As long as that is strong, so are you.

The world flips and changes constantly, the best we can do is remain ourselves.

Writing is a solitary experience in many ways, but very often it’s the support around you that gets the job done. So, thanks!


I actually love taking photos.

I like pop culture.

Dealing with pressure. From my head

I found myself relating to Cam for her online world and what comes easy for her to do — write. I’m similar.

Being a better friend

Huge prints of his photographs adorn the walls

Importance of family


  • Second book by Dawn

