Wisdom In Letters. Made by me using Canva.

Inviting New Writers — Join Wisdom In Letters!

Whispers Through Eons (Angel)
Wisdom In Letters
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2024


As a lover of philosophy, spirituality, and esotericism, I felt compelled to start my own Medium publication that blends these themes.

Wisdom In Letters welcomes submissions on personal philosophical insights, life experiences, classic philosophy concepts and theories, explorations of spirituality from both new and old age theology, and general reflections on life and wisdom.

I invite all Medium members interested in these topics and who write about them to join our publication, so we can create a unique wisdom corner on Medium. I appreciate everybody who shows interest and applies!

How To Join

  1. Follow the publication.
  2. Read the rules of the publication below and highlight “I accept these rules”.
  3. Write a comment on this article requesting to join.
  4. Subscribe to my blog (Not mandatory).

That’s all! I will approve all requests within 24 hours.

Thank you to everyone who shows interest!

Rules Of The Publication

1. No AI-Generated Content

Medium is punishing AI-generated articles, so it’s not good for you to begin with, if you are looking to make money on…



Whispers Through Eons (Angel)
Wisdom In Letters

Short-form philosophy, wisdom and life reflections on Medium. Owner of Wisdom in Letters.