A Wiser Way of Life

Wise Assistant
Wisdom Journal
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2020

In a time where every institution is vying for our attention, it can feel easier to procrastinate than take steps toward our goals. From sensational news headlines to addictive social media feeds, distractions are everywhere. They’re fighting for our attention, promising instant gratification, but giving us little in return.

Our minds have been taken captive and our attention sold to the highest bidder. We’re being monetized for profit by the institutions that promise to serve us and we’ve become another “business insight” to the capitalist machine. We’ve been convinced that our goals are secondary to these invisible forces of our society and, quite frankly, we’re fed up.

It’s time we plan a Wiser Way of Life: a life where we prioritize the wellness of ourselves and our communities.

Between distractions and the work-life grind, planning for the future can feel like a pain. Yet, it’s important that we do not lose sight of our values and what inspires us. A brighter future may simply be more time to spend with a special person, our family, or friends. Our future might be filled with experiences that excite us — a craft, an adventure, or a new way of life.

Wherever we are, it’s our intent to better ourselves that keeps us going. We simply want to live a long, healthy, and happy life. In that case, we must ask ourselves: What makes us smile? What are we doing when we lose track of time and just start to flow? This is what we need to focus on the most, especially during times of uncertainty or struggle.

At Wise Assistant, we’re on a mission to help you do more of what matters. We’re tired of the days when algorithms make decisions for us behind closed doors with goals counter to our own. We’re building technology that understands your goals and helps you make plans around them. Wise gives suggestions for the events and experiences that you enjoy the most.

We promise to always prioritize happiness and wellness. Every decision we make is to help you stay focused on your passion, whatever that might be. We’re dedicated to giving you the tools you need to put you back in control of your life. With Wise Assistant, we’re connecting people with the ideas and experiences that move the world forward.

We’re not just building another product. We’re creating an entirely new lifestyle; one where our plans, relationships, and goals are second to none. We’re transforming communities to be more purpose-driven, proactive, and healthy.

We believe that changing the world starts within our communities; one person and one step at a time. Your wildest dreams are within reach and it starts with putting together a meaningful plan.

A brighter future can start today.



Wise Assistant
Wisdom Journal

Wise is your AI-powered lifestyle planner. Focus on what matters most, whether it’s time together, self-care, learning, health, or personal goals. #GoDoMore