Once Upon A Raise

Wisdom Nuggets And Nothing Burgers
2 min readSep 6, 2019

A little history

Last year right before my annual work evaluation my company went on a raise freeze and hiring freeze with hopes of saving money. Though unfortunate timing for me, I understand why freezes happen. It did not affect my work and I had no complaints.

Present time

Fast forward about a month to employee appreciation week. One morning while walking into my building during that week we were greeted at the door by upper management passing out sodas and candy bars to all, cheering “we appreciate you“! I thought it was a sweet gesture, grabbed a pack of peanut butter cups and a coke and went on my way. It was very thoughtful and I was happy.

I don’t remember the reason why we did this but my co-worker and I decided it would be a fantastic idea to google what our soon-to-be ex-CEO’s salary was. I work for a “private non-profit company”, it’s public record, what’s the harm right?

Imagine my astonishment when I found out that our soon to be ex big-wig was making close to 1 million dollars per year before his annual bonuses and incentives. Guess what his severance package was? 41. MILLION. DOLLARS. Yes, you read that correctly…41 million dollars. I repeat, 41 million dollars. Digest, if you will, 41 million smackaroos.


In that moment I had such clarity. I work hard for my company, I see the greater good that we do and I strive to be the best I can at my job. I didn’t get a raise showing appreciation for my dedication, instead I got a candy bar and a soda so they could pay the ex-CEO 41 million dollars to leave the company. If he didn’t show up to work for 1 day it would be business as usual, if the rest of us didn’t show up for just ONE day, the entire place would LITERALLY shut down. It’s nice to get recognized for hard work with a little raise every now and again (mainly so I can afford my shitty health benefits, but let’s not get off topic).

Dear Corporate Assholes,

We, the little people, are on to your shenanigans. Your offerings of candy and soda pops are belittling. We would rather you greet us at the door with “Hey, you aren’t getting a raise this year because we are greedy bastards.” And lets be honest, it’s a non-profit, the candies and sodas were probably a donation.



How was your workday?

