Canva Team


wisdom of the lion
Published in
7 min readJun 29, 2024


Sylvaine Fionnuala Snædís. A transferee student from Laboratory State University in the province of Ilhas de Liquíos Celebes. When she turned 18 years old, she was adopted by her cousins and educated at the Universidad de Filipinas in the city of Ilhas Luconia.

It is not easy to get into the Universidad de Filipinas, especially since it is only for the Maharlikas and Timawas. Alipins like her could not enter or study at the university because of their level in other families. They are divided into three ranks.

Maharlika, they are the nobles, rich and powerful people. They are the rulers. Timawa. They were the common people. Some were born free, while some were formerly slaves, but they bought their freedom from their masters. They had to be loyal and cooperative with their masters, who were the Maharlikas. They were regarded as higher than the Alipins, but below the Maharlikas. Alipin, there are two types of Alipins. Aliping Namamahay can own their own house, while the Aliping Sagigilid can only rely on their master’s graces.

But because her father’s relatives were from the Timawas who adopted her, she was given the opportunity to enter the university. And since the Universidad de Filipinas was full of Maharlikas and Timawas, they wondered how an Alipin could enter the university. The reason is not enough for the Maharlikas to accept, even she has Timawa blood. Throughout the history, only now has an Alipin entered the Universidad.

Here, Sylvaine will meet GIZEM OMÁDA. Five families who are always together, which is most peculiar to the people within the university.
According to legend, these families once had magic. But when the Favens disappeared, so did the magic of the remaining families. Favens are the deity of light. The most powerful of all. They can build or kill abilities.
Waion Själ, their family is believed to time travel into the past or the future and can control darkness. Mareysha Fotiá, from the family of fire possessors. Kathiki Édafos is from the family of gravity manipulators, they have the ability to control the space-time continuum, reality warping and manipulating time and space. Edos Petaloúdas, is from the family who has an ability to teleport and move from one place to another. And Zafrah Neró, from the telepathic family who can read minds and communicate without talking. They are the direct descendants of the former GIZEM OMÁDA.

The first day Sylvaine set foot in the Universidad, all eyes were on her, as if she
The first day Sylvaine set foot in the Universidad, all eyes were on her, as if she were a criminal. She ignored them and continued walking. As she was in the hallway upstairs, the speaker rang and a woman spoke. “GOOD MORNING STUDENTS! EVERYONE, GATHER IN THE ASSEMBLY AREA. AGAIN EVERYONE GATHER IN THE ASSEMBLY AREA. THANK YOU”

Sylvaine immediately went to the assembly area. And when she arrived, the GIZEM OMÁDA was already in front, and the Principal began to speak. “Good morning everyone. I know you are all informed about the transferee student who is, unfortunately, half-blooded Alipin. But the blood of his father’s side is still thicker. Well, let’s welcome her!”
Everyone was already looking in the direction in which she was sitting. After that announcement everyone went back to their respective rooms.

Everything was on her plan. Sylvaine is the last Descendant of the Faven from the legend. It is true, Faven clan disappeared a long time ago. And now, she will avenge her mother and the Favens from the said families of GIZEM OMÁDA. Själ and Neró are from the Maharlikas, while Édafos, Fotiá and Petaloúdas are from Timawas.

The Favens were Maharlikas, they are noble, rich and powerful people. They rule the whole Nisí before. But the GIZEM OMÁDA betrayed them, the five families agreed to depose and kill the Faven clan. Because they are scared of how powerful the Favens are.

On the day of the attack, Sylvaine was still in her mother’s womb. The princess of the Faven, Evolet. She was the first target of the GIZEM OMÁDA because she is caring the daughter of Sebastian Själ of the Timawas. Själs did not vote and did not accept the relationship of Sebastian and Evolet, so does their child. That child is a threat for them.

When the war began, Sebastian immediately sought out Evolet and fled to the Nisí. But the Neró and Petaloúdas chased them. He tried to protect Evolet but the Nerós controlled his mind and Evolet was stabbed by a Petaloúdas after it teleported behind her. When they learned that Evolet had been wounded, they immediately leave and left the two. Sebastian tried to save her by using his ability, he time traveled. But because of the Nerós mind control, he couldn’t focus. So he decided to go to the Ilhas de Liquíos Celebes, where the Alipin live in. There, Evolet unexpectedly gave birth to a healthy and beautiful little girl with a gold, bright, violet hazel eye on the right side and a green, amber with a tint of red albino eye on the left. But just a moment and few glances at her daughter, Evolet was gone. Sebastian cried for a moment, and regained his composure. He has a child to protect, he needs to be strong for their daughter. If he didn’t protect Evolet, he would protect their child. Sebastian saw an old house in the village of Ilhas and left the child at its door. He returned to the Nisí to announce that Evolet was dead with the child in her womb and used his own ability to control the darkness and used it on himself to show the pain and hatred he felt at the loss of Evolet and their child. The whole islet was cursed by Saige, one of the most powerful Faven with its last breath. “I SWEAR, ON THIS DAY ALL THE MAGIC IN THE WHOLE NISÍ WILL BE GONE FOREVER. LIKE THE LOSS OF THE FAVENS.” And there, with Favens fall, the abilities of the GIZEM OMÁDA were gone forever. Little did they know, Sylvaine survived. The last and direct descendants of the Favens.

At her 18th birthday, Sylvaines Faven ability triggered and there she knew her whole being, of who she was. Her cousins found out of her existence on the day of his father’s death, on the very day of her 18th birthday. He ordered them to find and protect her, that was all he could asked.

The Själ clans used to be from Timawas but when the Favens disappeared, because of their abilities they became one of the Maharlikas.

She planned to take revenge for everything they had done to her family. She knew she had power, but she hid it until the right time came. She befriended the GIZEM and gained their trust, as they did with the Favens. While, Waion and Edos have feelings for her. She knows that. That’s why Mareysha, Zafrah and Kathiki hate her because both Zafrah and Kathiki likes Waion, while Mareysha is Edos’ cousin and she knows how Edos feels about Sylvaine. But Sylvaine has no interest in love. Her heart was full of revenge.

After two years, it’s graduation day. But for Sylvaine, it’s the day of vengeance. She used her ability to build again the GIZEM OMÁDAS abilities, but she doesn’t know that when she builds those abilities again, the GIZEMS abilities return as well as if Saige’s curse had been undo. After the ceremony, there will be a celebration in the evening and everyone will attend. When it got dark, she immediately went straight to the said place and as soon as she arrived, she shouted the words “I AM THE LAST AND DIRECT DESCENDANT OF EVOLET FAVEN. “ Everyone was startled, they never thought there would still a Faven alive.

She tried to used the abilities of each GIZEM against themselves, like the fire ability of Fotiás for Fotiás. At first she had full control and successfully used it with GIZEMS, but because she had never practiced her abilities and not yet mastered them, as the GIZEMS did with his Father and Mother, Zafrah controlled her mind, while Kathiki shot her with a flaming arrow from Mareyshas fire aiming straight to her heart. But Edos teleported in front of her and was hit by the flaming arrow from Kathiki and Mareysha. Everyone stopped, Edos and Sylvaine fell at the same time, the arrow pierced Sylvaine’s heart. She uttered these words before she lost consciousness, “THERE IS NO PEACE. AND NO MORE ABILITY. I’LL MAKE SURE I AM THE LAST ONE. THE GIZEM AND THE NISÍ WILL NEVER STAND AGAIN WITHOUT FAVEN. I WILL NEVER FORGET AND WILL NEVER FORGIVE ALL OF YOU FOR WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO FAVENS. TO MY MAMA. SUFFER NISÍ, SUFFER!”

Waion immediately came over and grabbed Edos, and when he saw that Sylvaine was unconsciously bleeding he immediately concentrated and tried to time travel to the past to undo whatever just happened, and he did. But there is no sign of Sylvaine, only Edos. A few minutes later Edos regained consciousness. While Sylvaine was no longer breathing.

Everyone mourned, especially Waion and Edos.
Waion blames Zafrah and Khathiki for mercilessly attacking Sylvaine that caused her death. So is Edos to Mareysha.
And the GIZEM was eventually destroyed and separate their ways.

