Playing with My Boys (illustration by Frankie Tartaglia)

Playing Video Games Makes You A Better Dad

Jordan Shapiro
Wisdom of Video Games


When my wife and I separated, I moved into my parents’ house. Now I spend a lot of the days and nights that I have custody of our two small boys (ages 5 & 7) sitting next to them on my mother’s sofa playing New Super Mario Brothers on the Wii.

I know how it sounds: pathetic.

I’m a thirty-five year old man, living with my parents, manipulating my thumbs to try and save Princess Peach from Koopa’s castle. They write Saturday Night Live sketches to make fun of people like me.

Conveniently, it is fashionable to blame the economy for the poor salary I earn as adjunct faculty at the university. I’d need to earn at least twice as much to be able to repair my credit and move into my own place.

What about the video games? Does playing with my kids count as quality engaged ‘family-time’?

I think so.

For one thing, my kids love it. When I pick them up from their mother’s house, they immediately start screaming from the back seat of the car, “Can we play Mario when we get to your house?” We fight over who get’s the best power-ups. We exchange high fives whenever we level-up from one world to the next.

But just because my kids like it doesn’t mean it is good for them. They would also be happy if I gave them candy for breakfast and let them stay up all night watching horror movies.

Video games are different. This is the world of my kids’ imagination. When I take it seriously (and participate along side of them), I’m not only validating their inner world by giving positive reinforcement to the things that matter most to them, I’m also providing fun and supportive space in which a sophisticated emotional intelligence can emerge.

Of course, I don’t just sit there silently, fingering the D-pad. I don’t embody the role of the almost-middle-aged slacker. Instead, I embody the role of the ‘father.’

I don’t allow the game console to be merely a babysitting computer that distracts my kids while I flirt with my girlfriend on Facetime. Instead, it is something that father and sons do together.

Most importantly, I talk with my boys about what it’s like to play the game.

  • What emotions go with jumping high enough onto the flagpole that you get a free life?
  • How do you feel when you lose because your little brother made Yellow Toad accidentally hop on your polka-dotted cranium?
  • Don’t you think it’s kind of crazy that you get better at winning by losing over and over again?

Child psychologists have always recognized how important play is to a child’s cognitive and emotional development.

One of the early proponents of play therapy was preeminent psychoanalyst Melanie Klein. Deriving her own theories about kids from the discoveries that Sigmund Freud made while working with adults, Klein argued that in play, children act out the unconscious narrative dramas that shape their everyday lives.

Likewise, C.G. Jung developed the practice of “Active Imagination,” in which individuals, children and adults alike, are encouraged to engage with the images, characters, and stories that inhabit the unconscious part of the psyche. Jung believed that it is only by taking seriously what is ordinarily dismissed as mere fantasy that one can become, what he called, “individuated.”

Both of these theories were instrumental in the development of the kinds of play therapy, such as “Sandplay,” that are now ubiquitous in the consultation room.

But can I really compare non-directive psychodynamic therapy to sitting on my mother’s couch collecting magic-mushrooms and fire-power-flowers with my two sons? Yes.

Although the common view is that video games are an escape from the real world, I think video games can function as interactive mythology. They can be understood as non-linear stories that help individuals derive meaning from the complicated paradoxes of everyday life.

I wrote my book FREEPLAY: A Video Game Guide to Maximum Euphoric Bliss for adults. It is an attempt to unpack some of the psychological, spiritual, and philosophical messages that are veiled right beneath the surface of the video games we played as kids (and some of us still play as adults).

But the ideas in FREEPLAY can also shape childrearing practices.

Here are three things you can do right now to turn video games from a distraction into opportunity for quality, engaged parenting.

  1. Play with your kids. This is not specific to video games. Whenever you take an interest in what matters to your kids, you are sending the message that you approve of the ways that your child makes sense of the world. You are being supportive of your child’s story. You are telling the child you like them as they are and don’t expect them to become something they are not. The caveat here, however, is that you can’t fake it. Your kid is smarter than you think. S/he understands the difference between the moments when you feign interest and when you are authentically engaged.
  2. Talk about the game. It is not enough to just play. Discuss the particulars. No, you don’t have to talk like a therapist. It is great to ask questions about how your kids feel when they play. But it is also good to just talk about how difficult a particular adversary is, how crazy the games graphics are, or to guess together what the next level might look like. When you ask your kids to explain their game-playing strategies, you’re simultaneously teaching them that adults value the ability plan, experiment, theorize, and execute.
  3. Let the game continue after the console is powered down. Taking an interest in your kids’ video games is not something that concludes when you put down the controller. The game world can also provide a framework within which you can situate many conversations. I regularly ask my kids to imagine what a video game of a particular situation might look like. For example, I might ask my son to draw pictures of a video game in which the goal is solve a playground dispute. This serves two functions. Firstly, this kind of imaginative exercise provides my son with some objective distance from his life-world problems. Secondly, it allows my son to re-imagine his everyday situations in a way that is empowering; in a video game, his actions impact the game’s outcome.

What do you think? Does thumbing the controller of the Wii with your kids count as family time? Or is this just a rationalization for a dude to be his boys’ best friend instead of their dad?

(This post original appeared here on November 15, 2012)

Jordan Shapiro is author of Freeplay: A Video Game Guide to Maximum Euphoric Bliss. He’s a regular contributor to Forbes and DailyWorth. He lives in Philadelphia, where he teaches in Temple University’s Intellectual Heritage department. Click here to learn more about Jordan.



Jordan Shapiro
Wisdom of Video Games

I wrote some books - Father Figure: How to Be a Feminist Dad & The New Childhood: Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World. I teach at Temple University.