Image courtesy of Harvey Bremner

Manifesting Miracles

Janice Taylor
Wisdom Soul Start(up)
5 min readApr 12, 2016


Miracles — many religious organizations have defined a miracle as an otherworldly event; as a result most people think a miracle is the ability to walk on water, conjure wine from water, witness apparitions, or statues that bleed or cry.

This belief in supernatural, magical miracles set us up for disbelief, failure: if God exists why don’t miracles happen today; why doesn’t he part the seas and move mountains, why doesn’t he help me?

For those who do not believe in a god, religious stories of miracles seem ridiculous, another good reason not to believe. The logical reasoning of the mind steps in and separates our daily reality of the physical world from the unseen spiritual world.


Perhaps it is time to reframe our perception of the miraculous.

There are miracles we refuse to perceive because they are undramatic, and there are miracles we refuse to believe because they are commonplace.

When we look for proof of supernatural, magical miracles, we neglect to honor the daily miracles God provides us:

The miracle of the all-encompassing, unconditional love from our children.
The miracle of this planet and its abundant life forms.
The miracle of the universe, and the omnipresent beauty of stars and planets.
The miracle of our bodies that carry us through this adventure that is life.

All religious orders agree that in order to be miraculous, an event must be experienced as divinely significant.

Love then — both divine and significant — is a daily miracle that surrounds each and every one of us. It is a supernatural energy that all of us experience at one point in our lifetime. It can alter our path, our perception of the world, and our view of each other. It can move us to acts of great generosity and great kindness; it can guide our decisions encouraging us to act from a place of spirit, not ego.

The origin of the word comes from the Latin miraculum, derived from mirari, to wonder; therefore a miracle is an event that provokes wonder.

Artists, poets, lovers and mothers of the world understand the meaning of miracles. Inspired by circumstance to experience the state of love, their focus shifts from a place of ego to a place of spirit; this allows them to view the world with wonder.

As Walt Whitman so eloquently states:

To me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle,
Every cubic inch of space is a miracle,
Every square yard on the surface of the earth is spread with the same,
Every foot of the interior swarms with the same;
Every spear of grass — the frames, limbs, organs of men and women, and all that concerns them,
All these to me are unspeakably perfect miracles.

To me the sea is a continual miracle;
The fishes that swim — the rocks — the motion of the waves — the ships, with men in them,
What stranger miracles are there?

St. Augustine offered us these words, “a miracle is not contrary to nature, but only our knowledge of nature; miracles are made possible by hidden potentialities in nature that are placed there by God.” (City of God, XXI.8.2)

Image courtesy of Harvey Bremner

Miracles are made possible by the hidden potentialities in you.

Throughout our lives we often wish and pray for miracles to happen, to take care of our worries and fears, to lift us out of poverty, to help us out of an unhappy relationship, or project our business onto a path of success.

However, wishes of this nature often come from a place of ego, driven by our fears, anxieties, desires for money, power or influence, and these negative emotions don’t provide the fertile ground necessary for miracles to occur.

Miracles are divine in nature, and being divine respond only to the call of the spirit, not the ego.

When we wish to build a business that brings value to our community, or serves the public, when we wish to provide more love to our families, our friends and ourselves, when we wish to improve, to empower, to support.

These are values that are divine in nature: these are acts of love.

When we acknowledge everyday miracles, we tap into our innate wisdom that guides our day with gratitude and wonder.

When we recognize miracles, we walk through our day guided by our spirit, not ego.

When we understand how miracles work, we will find the actions needed to follow our journey become easy. Our values light the path, and the people around us, our friends and family, our employers and employees, investors and suppliers, all recognize our intention, our authenticity, honesty, integrity, and all of the positive energy generated helps turn the wheels toward success.

When our journey is in alignment with our spirit, the struggles of the ego, the doubts, fears, and insecurities fade into the background and we can walk forward with confidence in our vision.

A miracle is an act of divine intervention that changes our lives from where we are to where we want to be.

That’s how it worked for me: When I made a conscious decision to stay true to my values and shifted my focus from a place of ego to a place of spirit, miracles began to unfold, obstacles were removed and opportunities arose.

True miracles provide a function; they instigate action, provide inspiration, and prepare the path for synchronicity to take place. The more miracles we perceive in our lives, the more miracles we will be open to receive.

Albert Einstein, the saint of science, sagely told us, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Which way do you choose?



Janice Taylor
Wisdom Soul Start(up)

Entrepreneur, speaker, mom. Founder of Mazu; a social media village built on core values, safety and curated content for families. Author of Wisdom.Soul.Startup