Men with Bright Futures Are Mostly Broke in their 20’s

Life’s mystery

Chris O.
Wisdom team


Photo by Amir Hosseini on Unsplash

Most men with bright futures might struggle during the early stages of their lives. We see wealthy men today well dressed with stylish jewellery and driving expensive cars but note that Rome was not built in a day.

I know of a wealthy man who built a website for his business and spent quality time on learning how to rank his website highly on search engines.

Some men earlier struggled in their 20’s because of financial lack and some because they invest heavily in other things such as education, business and career. These men prioritise long term success over any short term wealth.

They may not have reliable sources of income during this period but it is important to note that they are laying the unshakable foundations for future financial prosperity.

In their 20’s such set of ambitious men may also focus on building their skills or gain valuable experience. They may undoubtedly be establishing themselves in competitive industries.

What the aforementioned means is that such men would be sacrificing immediate financial gain for long term growth and wealth.

It is interesting that while such men in their 20’s may face financial hardship early in their lives, their dedication…



Chris O.
Wisdom team

Uni of Cambridge CELTA. Blogger. Content Creator. Prolific writer ✍️Self Development, Faith, Side Hustles & Psychology.