On Patience

Gelani Banks
Wisdom Walks
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2022

It’s a virtue.

Photo by Federico Giampieri on Unsplash

One we may practice the least .

We’re always in a rush.

And for what?

I don’t know.

When we’re young,

We rush growing older.

When we’re 16,

at least in Virginia,

We rush getting our license.

Then we rush graduating high school.

College is better of course.

Then graduating from college in pursuit of having a “real life”.

We rush saying “I do” and having children


and Rushing.

Then we’re 85 years old.

How did the time escape?

Time moves quickly.

Regardless of whether we rush or not.

We rush with our projects.

We don’t have the patience or dedication for long term work.

I’ve been doing this for a week.

I’m over it.

I’ve been practicing this for a year.

I’m done.

It’s been five years and I haven’t seen the growth I expected

May I ask a question?

How many times have you done something for five years?

Had the patience?

Put in the work?

Waited for the results?

I think about a friend of mine.

He’s a rocket scientist by education.

But in practice, he designs and makes clothes.

He owns a clothing line.

I remember when I first met him,

we were talking about his brand.

I didn’t think much of it.

People have clothing lines.

No big deal.

Over time I realized.

Something was different.

I continue observing his work.

I loved it.

I noticed his talent.

Recently he shared some news with us.

Urban Outfitters purchased some of his shirts to sell in-store.

A major deal.

I’ve known him for probably about five years now,

maybe a little less.

I’ve seen the growth in his products.

It’s cool to see the success.

But when we talk.

I see the daily deposits he puts in.

He explains “ this isn’t an overnight success.”

“I’ve been doing this since college,”

At this point is over 10 years for him.

Every day.

for 10 years

an “overnight success”

I was watching a YouTube book review the other day

called the millionaire Fast Lane.

I haven’t read this book.

But in the review, they’re talking about getting rich quickly.

They categorize quickly as.

$1,000,000 in 10 years.


But when you don’t have patience 10 years is like an eternity.

It’s funny -

I’m getting older and 10 years is like a blink of an eye.

What’s ten years ago for you?

High school?


Your children getting older?

Been at a job for 10 years?

The time will pass regardless.

So why not have the patience to do something meaningful?

Putting your head down.

Grinding it out.

Every single day.

One of my favorite athletes says,

“Rent’s due every dayand I’m not missing any payments.”

Rent is due.

Daily deposits.

Put the work in.

Have the patience to see the results.

I walk every day.

I work out every day.

I work on this project every day.

I spend time with my family every day.

I read every day.

Put the work in and see where it takes you.

Let’s see what everything looks like 5 Years from now.

That’s a challenge.

Enjoy Your Walk.

Every day I take at least one walk no matter where I am. These Wisdom Walks are a condensed transcript of the thoughts that I record while walking. They have been edited for clarity, but mostly stay in their original form.

For an audio version please check out the podcast here



Gelani Banks
Wisdom Walks

Husband. Dad. I work with numbers as my 9–5 so I write and take pictures to build my creative muscles. Mostly writing for my son.