On Setting Clear Expectations

Gelani Banks
Wisdom Walks
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2022
Life Can Get Blurry : Photo by Gelani Banks

How often are we asked for help?

And before considering the commitment.

We agree.

And in an instant

We realize,

This may not be best.

I was having a good conversation with one of my close friends.

You were in the car.

Fast asleep.

We were on a mini road trip.

Only a couple of hours up the road.

She’s having some issues with her new job.

Her job has an idea for this project.

And general standards say the work takes 10 weeks.

A little over two months.

However, they want to finish in a month.

“It’s interesting”, she explains.

“I’ve done the work before so I know how long it takes.”

“Also they have never done the work before, so they’re not sure how long it will take.”

“As I walk them through the steps”

“I explain to them that this will take 10 weeks, but we probably could get it done faster.”

Except when it’s time for work and collaboration.

It’s such a big hassle.

Because now she accepted a project that will be more stressful than it should have been.

This is why it’s important to set expectations.

Especially clear expectations.

Obviously, that’s in a career setting.

But you also must set clear expectations when nurturing friendships and relationships and also your family.

You can’t be everywhere at the same time,

You can’t do everything.

You have to say no.

You can’t worry about whether or not you’re disappointing a loved one.

It’s difficult for me to be disappointed with you if you communicate expectations.

You must worry about how much energy you can spend on a project or relationship.

What happens if you’re not setting clear expectations?

You get burned out, you get stressed, and you even get sick.

Nobody wants to be sick.

And nobody wants to resent their friendships, relationships, or family members,

and so setting the expectation up front is best.

Setting clear expectations is at worst just for our mental health and at best a way to conserve our energy.

You have to do it.

Career, friendships, relationships, and extended family.

I challenge you to set clear expectations.

Which really means say no more often.

Have a great day son.

Enjoy your walk!

Every day I take at least one walk no matter where I am. These Wisdom Walks are a condensed transcript of the thoughts that I record while walking. They have been edited for clarity, but mostly stay in their original form.

For an audio version please check out the podcast here



Gelani Banks
Wisdom Walks

Husband. Dad. I work with numbers as my 9–5 so I write and take pictures to build my creative muscles. Mostly writing for my son.