How It All Went From Yay to Nay

Dhvl C.
Wise Monkey, Wiser Donkey
3 min readDec 28, 2016

If few months ago someone would have asked me “Wanna work in US of A ?”, My answer without any hesitation would have been “YASSSSS” but now “Nah, I’m good.”

What changed ?

Well my American dream ended without horror inducing nightmare (Thankfully)

Just one afternoon I was scrolling about the topic U.S. Immigration and it’s all filled with abuse of H1-B Visa, And it’s not blind stories by someone. All facts and graphs come to same rendezvous point.

Here’s one the story :

In a case in Torrance California, an American employee attempted to intervene because he was concerned the H1-B employee was literally being worked to death, as he had been worked 120 hours a week for a period of months. Fearing for his job the H1-B worker attempted to stop the American employee from helping him. This same company described the reasons they liked H1-B employees is that beyond their wages being lower, they are “Docile”. —

The stories of immigrants are enough to imagine what people in US working with H1-B visa have to go though just to stay in US. Living measly in hope of green card so they can live freely

But is it justified ?

Are you ready to suffer for 10 years maybe more for green card ? and that too without any guarantee that it will pull of in the end

And lot of the clauses in the system actually favour the employer than employees AKA immigrants

If an H-1B worker is laid off and attempts to find a new H-1B employer to file a petition for him, the individual is considered out of status if there is even a one-day gap between the last day of employment and the date that the new H-1B petition is filed. —

So if you are out of the job chances are you will be out of the country soon and just to avoid it employees go to all extent

On the other side it’s the abused in most of the cases who tolerates the abuse upon himself

Real gainers here are employers and IRS

Employers find legal glitches and other methods to bring in maximum immigrants and IRS gets hefty fee and the tax from the earnings

The data is good enough to realise that 2 out of 3 companies are Indian and in the name of “On-site opportunity” they bring in cheap labour. Make them work off their ass and simply lay them off if they revolt

The program was intended to serve employers who could not find the skilled workers they needed in the United States

The table says otherwise.

I understand the conditions are same everywhere, I know there are companies which honour the labour code and provide the best for the employees but there are companies who are making a joke out of the system.

Please let me know if I am wrong about some point here.



Dhvl C.
Wise Monkey, Wiser Donkey

With time people change, So did I! I do not write this stuff anymore and don’t know what to write either, Don’t follow if you expecting more content. K bye.