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The Hellish Episodes of My Meniere’s Disease Journey

I lay on the piss-soaked floor for hours, the cold tiles oddly refreshing on my temple. And that’s just one of many episodes.

Tim Rees
Published in
8 min readAug 8, 2023


Meniere’s disease swept into my life shortly after moving to Dubai in 2004.

The only suspect I have was the mandatory hepatitis B vax which I was given twice (2x2) because they lost my paperwork and insisted having twice the dose wasn’t a problem. That’s not a political statement of any kind. Rare side effects can include hearing loss and tinnitus. I’ve included some papers, mainly case studies for you at the end (1,2,3,4,5). I mention it here in case anyone else had a similar start to their Meniere’s Disease (MD) journey, not to create division. Maybe it had nothing whatsoever to do with it. After about 6 months the dizziness and vertigo stopped and I was left with hearing loss and tinnitus on my right side. I returned to the UK and had all but forgotten about it until it came back with a crunch.

It was 2012 and I was hit as if by an invisible car.

I knew what it was within a millisecond, there’s nothing quite like it. I was parked in a car at the time and had to open the door to throw up on the pavement. A few people came over, I suspect they thought I was drunk, but knew…



Tim Rees

Registered clinical nutritionist. At war with autoimmunity. Diets & tips on website. The Nutrition Chronicles (Substack). Meat eater.