How Metformin May Help You Live Longer and Healthier

A common, inexpensive drug has many of the benefits touted in other, much costlier prescription meds

Dr. Julian Barkan
Wise & Well


Photo: Alexander Grey/Unsplash

It is hard to miss all the news (and commercials) lately touting drugs like Wegovy, Mounjaro and Ozempic. Designed to combat diabetes, they also cause weight loss more than any other medication class we have ever seen. Even though they were not designed for weight loss, there is a high likelihood these drugs will become the most profitable ever because of that side benefit.

But hiding in the shadows is a much cheaper medication with many similar benefits: metformin.

Just like the newer medications, metformin is primarily used for diabetes treatment with weight loss being a side effect. But unlike the newer drugs, metformin is a significantly cheaper option with a longer history of use and research. Given the benefits we know about, it should not be overlooked by individuals who need it and medical professionals who might prescribe it.

How metformin differs from other weight loss drugs

Metformin, in a class of medications called biguanides, acts by decreasing glucose production in the liver. It also improves insulin sensitivity, enhancing glucose absorption…



Dr. Julian Barkan
Wise & Well

Family Med Physician/Learner/Reader. Writing to express my thoughts, sometimes teach, and mostly learn. Editor of Flipping the Script/Patient Perspectives