How Tai Chi Eased My Chronic Pain

Energy healing seemed as fake as a cheap Rolex. But when nothing else worked, I leaned into this ancient mystical practice.

Kathleen Murphy
Wise & Well


Image courtesy of Scott White

I was already taking anti-inflammatories. I was working with a physical therapist. I stretched and exercised regularly. What else could I do to relieve my chronic low back pain?

My doctor trotted out the usual suggestions — increase your meds, get an injection, undergo surgery.

But then he recommended something unexpected: tai chi. He said it’s one of the most effective options for treating osteoarthritis pain like mine — affecting more than 80 percent of people over age 55.

As a health journalist, I was skeptical. After all, tai chi is an ancient Chinese folk practice, using an unmeasurable force called “qi” (pronounced “chee”) to balance your “bodily meridians.” To me, qi seemed as authentic as a $5 Rolex.

But the fact remained: I didn’t like my other options. So I took a deeper dive into the science of tai chi.

Reduced pain, better balance, stronger muscles

I was surprised to find plenty of scientific evidence supporting tai chi’s role in reducing pain. The effectiveness has everything to do with…



Kathleen Murphy
Wise & Well

Health writer and essayist offering insights into physical and emotional wellness and successful aging. Subscribe: