How to Actually Know You’re Lonely

An evidence-based guideline to evaluate your (hidden) feelings of loneliness

Stephan Joppich
Wise & Well


Image created by the author via Canva.

In the summer of 2017, I got lonely without knowing it.

I remember feeling uneasy at the time. Anxious, restless, constantly craving distractions. But loneliness? I didn’t even consider it.

A few weeks earlier, I had moved away from home and into a one-bedroom apartment. It was my first time living all alone. And I’d wanted it this way. Moving there, I hadn’t just craved a fresh start but had also yearned to be far, far away from my old life — friends, family, familiarity. And so, at the time, I simply denied the possibility of loneliness. It wasn’t even on my radar.

And yet, loneliness snuck up on me — gradually, sneakily.

Throughout my days, I woke up groggy, gulped down instant coffee, and rushed to my job as an engineering trainee. I worked with many people my age. And yet, as much as I craved connection, I didn’t really click with anyone. One of the worst moments was walking into the cafeteria, shyly carrying my lunch tray, and not seeing anyone I could imagine having lunch with. Or, other times, it was feeling left out by the people I wanted to have lunch with.



Stephan Joppich
Wise & Well

Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about loneliness, minimalism, and books that changed my life • More food for thought →