Melanoma Strikes 32-Year-Old Gaming Legend — Could You Be Next?

Sunscreen, regular checks, and even a little AI can help protect you

Eric J. Kort MD
Wise & Well


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.

One would think that computer “gamers” would be at a low risk of melanoma, given that they spend so much time indoors in front of a computer. It was cruel irony then when Tyler Blevins, or “Ninja” as he is known in gaming circles, revealed last week that he had just been diagnosed with melanoma at the tender age of 32.

And on the sole of his foot of all places.

If he can get melanoma, anyone can. And the point was not lost on him. He let his millions of social media fans know that it was screen time. Not the computer screen variety, but melanoma screening.

Mitigating your risk of melanoma requires a combination of protection from the sun’s rays and regular screening to keep an eye out for worrisome-looking moles. It turns out, there is even an app for that.

The Rising Tide Of Melanoma

Last year, an estimated 100,000+ new cases of melanoma were diagnosed in the US, more than double the number in 2000.

While melanoma accounts for only 1% of all skin cancers, the condition accounts for roughly half of skin cancer-related deaths. (The other major cause of…

