The Self-Destructive Nature of Human Nature

Idiotic idiosyncrasies that make life difficult

Robert Roy Britt
Wise & Well
Published in
9 min readDec 20, 2023


Writing about the science of wellness and wisdom helps me understand myself and the rest of humanity. OK, that’s a slight prevarication—I remain largely clueless about much of humanity. But here’s one inescapable conclusion I’ve reached while examining the science behind our fears and frustrations, what makes us well and wise or otherwise, and the really stupid things we do to sabotage ourselves:

We’re a species of blithering idiots.

Yet by understanding our own nature just a little better, I’m thinking we can get our acts together heading into another year of headaches, joy, striving, success, anxiety, pain, progress, screwups and total disappointment — you know: life. That in mind, here are some harsh realities…

Image: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

We exhaust ourselves…

Google searches for “Why am I always so tired?” and related questions about exhaustion reached all-time highs this year. There are many reasons. Um, lack of sleep maybe? But behind all the insomnia are heavy doses of stress and anxiety that kicked in during the pandemic and have yet to subside, along with plenty of heavy drinking, couch-potatoing, and other forms of sleep kryptonite. Good news is there are proven remedies. In general, for most…



Robert Roy Britt
Wise & Well

Editor of Wise & Well on Medium + the Writer's Guide at Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower: