Why the Hell Do We Self-Sabotage?
I want my hair back more than anything, and I know how to do it. So what the hell is stopping me?
The rage almost overwhelmed me but I suppressed it faster than it had appeared. I had to. At that moment, I had to save myself from my anger and fear and pain. Just six months after my hair regrowth, there I was losing it again. And this time, it wasn’t just the wavy milk chocolate locks on my head, it was every last hair on and in my body. Alopecia universalis is the autoimmune disease that stole my hair and worse, my confidence. And, looking back, as my confidence melted away like a snowman in May, many of my goals vanished along with it. But the weird thing is, I know how to regrow my hair. But for some reason, I’ve been self-sabotaging.
To varying degrees, we all self-destruct our hopes and dreams.
It seems odd when you think about it — and you must think about it to regain control — but some part of us, conscious or subconscious, is trying to punch our future self in the face. As the cliché warns us, you really can be your own worst enemy.
But why are we so keen to destroy our goals?
“Poor me, poor me, pour me a drink.” It’s a reminder that self-pity is a doorway to the…